Any chance I passed BEC? - Page 2

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  • #2697810
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    Took BEC yesterday and it was heavy on calculations on my mcqs but a lot of them I was able to manage. The conceptual mcqs were what tripped me up a lot. Many of them were not very straight forward and Becker did not do a great job with IT. At worst I’d say I got 40 mcq right. The sims are what ruined me. 1 sim I got 2 out of 5 boxes, another 4or5 out of 6, and another I think I got completely right. I had to move on and guess on the last one which was by far the longest sim. It had 6or8 exhibits so I’m hoping that is the pre-test. Written communication is what it is. I added buzzwords, intro,body,conclusion. Hopefully got full credit for those. What are my chances???

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  • #2707011

    @mcniff1012 I was unsure if I got any of the SIMs right on BEC lol I think I was somewhat confident about like one or maybe two of them. I remember there was one that I was like, “I hope this is the pretest question”. I'm good at writing, so I wasn't worried about the writing portion but everything else I was not very confident about.


    @TiremisuMcNuggets I 100% agree with you on the luck. Some people are naturally better at some things and worse at others too. Audit seemed easier to me than FAR, REG was weird, I got thru the test with an hr left, I was so freaked out, totally forgot I could use research for sims till the last testlet. I felt okaish at first, then i thought i messed it up and cried for couple days. Got 76, barely making šŸ˜€


    If this boost your confident, my clock ran out way before I could finish the last 2 WC. I had spent too much time on the first 2 testlets and didn't pay attention to the clock. I had 4 minutes remaining on the clock for the last 2 WC. Only had enough time to jot down key words for the 2nd WC and just basically wrote random stuff on the 3rd WC. I totally thought I failed, but pass with a 92. Don't worry too much about it, you will be fine!

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    @CPAGuru how did you feel on your mcq's and sims?


    My first testlet was medium-hard. Second testlet I couldn't really tell if it was hard or medium, because it seems fairly similar in difficulty to the first. The Sims were straight forward and happened to know the material. The WC topic was fairly easy. I could be wrong, but the one WC where I wrote random stuff on it could be a pre-test because I couldn't recall seeing it in my review book.


    I took BEC on 9/10 and Iā€™m 99.99999% I failed. After reading this thread I now have hope, Thank you guys!


    I just took BEC yesterday and made big mistake. I finished the 3rd testlet with 30 mins to spare and the entire time I thought I was on the 4th testlet. I rushed to finish the 4th testlet and had only 5 minutes left for the WC. I wrote something down for the first WC and just a sentence for my second WC and then my time ran out so I could not complete my third WC. I hope I passed šŸ™


    Shannon, you will know soon enough. Good luck!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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