AICPA Practice Testlet Question

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  • #161270

    I logged in to the AICPA website today to review the sample test, and as a result of this, I had a question about the written communication portion of the exam. Here is my question: When I reached the first written communication in the demo, I was surprised to see the software itself already inputted (and doesn’t allow any alteration) the “to:” portion of the communication, and also a “re:” portion. This confused me a little, because since they asked for a memo for a response, I was going to use the“to:”, “from:”, and “subject:” layout of a typical memo. But since they already locked me into a different format, I wasn’t sure how to proceed. Where would my name go in this memo? Since there is already a “re” (which described the subject), would there even be any additional line for the subject (I would guess not)? Have they locked me into a slightly different type of communication, and should I just go with the “to” and “re”, start the actual body of the memo, and finish with my name at the end? If possible, some guidance on this issue would really be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Author
  • #292519

    They are testing you on your ability to write a business communication so they don't care about the salutation, subject, or signature. They just want to know that you can answer on point, write in accepted format (intro, body, conclusion), know how to construct paragraphs, etc. Even if the info in your answer is incorrect, you'll do fine as long as your answer is a direct response to the question asked.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    So you are recommending not including a reference to my name at all (either at the end or the beginning)? Did you have this issue come up when you took the exam?


    I passed BEC last window and I signed all three of mine. I even put CPA after my name 😉

    I would not get hung up on a minor detail like this…I do not think they are grading that part anyway.

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!


    So when you say “signed”, you basically just typed your name after the conclusion portion of your memo?


    Yes. Like so,

    Kindest regards,

    Amy Ewalt


    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!

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