Congrats Erskine and thanks for the tips. I am using Gleim as well I bought the premium package for all 4 sets ($900+) and so far it has been successful with 3 sections. I'm glad to hear the Gleim worked for you for BEC.
@Tarheelgirl – I used different approach in each section.
FAR – strictly followed Gleim suggested approach. Did not do all MCQs and prepared my own notes. Financial accounting is my strong point so that helped too.
AUD – Almost same as FAR except less reading on the book/pdf. I only scan thru the book to see the “Gleim success tips” then I retyped the AV presentation and used that as my notes instead of creating my own, added some if I came across something that was not covered. Did all MCQs in study mode.
REG – Listened to audio while driving, did MCQ1 just to have idea of questions then watched AV presentation, then did all MCQs in study mode, then went back to MCQ2, TF then did 2 sets of 20 MCQs in practice mode. I created my own notes, mostly mnemonics taken from different posts in A71, formulas, and limitations. I only referred to the book when something was not clear while doing MCQs. I'm also doing Plants vs Zombies 2 (blame it to my nephew) my ipad in between breaks. 🙂
BEC – Listening to audio while driving, doing MCQ1, watching AVP, then scan thru the book for the tips and then doing all MCQ in study mode, taking some notes, MCQ2, TF then 2 sets of 20 MCQs in practice mode. Still doing plants vs zombies in between breaks. 🙂
I only watched the Gleim instruct videos in FAR. Not available yet when I took AUD and REG. BEC is available but I think it's just a waste of time. And by the way, I am working full time and studied at least 15-20 hrs per week for 2 months for each section.
Good luck and I hope you'll get them next time!