What if you didn't SUBMIT the test - Page 2

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  • #1429034

    On the BEC exam my time was over and I didn’t SUBMIT my Writing Communication part. Is this still count or not?
    I had 40 minutes and I did write all 3 written communication exercises(not sure right or wrong) and almost finished but I did not(forgot to) click “SUBMIT” before the time was over.
    So, I want to understand whether the computer counted this part of the exam or not, because I got 68.
    I have 2 different answers from my instructor and pro metric center: 1.if you did not press “submit,” the written communication exercise would not have been graded or 2.computer is saving the information every 10 seconds and the section will be graded regardless if you press the “submit” or not….
    Which answer is correct? Who had the same experience?

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  • #1435427

    Thank you Jeff!


    Reviving this since I just took BEC. Computer froze up and wouldn’t submit in the final seconds. The authoritative literature tool popped up and computer froze. By the time prometric rebooted them computer it said it was already completed and submitted but now I’m worried it didn’t go through. To confirm -whatever I had written as of the final time allotment is what will get transmitted? I was done so I’m not worried about the few seconds lost.


    When I took REG, the computer crashed on me 4 times. Not kidding…four freaking times. The first 2 were during MC, and it shook me up, but I was able to move forward without too much issue. The second two were during SIMs, and it really derailed me; I couldn't remember basic stuff and had to do almost yoga breathing to cool out and come back to earth. I remember one of the crashes was on a pretty complex partnership basis/distribution issue, and I just couldn't remember stuff that I knew COLD walking in. The proctor also claimed I wouldn't lose time, but I did. It cost me around 10 minutes directly from the clock and another 10 just to calm down. If not more.

    I had really over prepared for REG, which is what saved me…but I should have done better than I did.

    If the crash thing happens to you, talk to the proctor…get names, numbers, and a report on what happened. There's a process to submit these issues to NASBA. I went through the process and they sent me an email stating they'd get back to me. They never did. I got my pass and didn't worry about it.


    Nothing really new to add here.
    Time ran out on me on my FAR exam. I went to hit submit at the last second, but then I decided to just see what would happen if time ran out.
    Computer was a little glitchy as well so it took some time but eventually said time expired.
    My guess is it all posts to the local prometric server, or potentially its all cloud based at this point, so it's constantly saving updates.

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