Time Managment in new BEC format and IT preparation.

  • Creator
  • #1591172

    Hello friends,

    So I am taking BEC next week after several failed attempts (giving up is not an option) and I wonder how I should manage my time this time around. How much time should I allocate to each Teslet now that the exam is 4 hours long? In the past I followed the advice of the CPA strength guy (love him)from YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIUhChzXmlQ. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Also, how can one prepare for the IT portion of the exam (so glad they updated this, in the past some did not apply since technology has advance) I hear all this talk about review courses not preparing you for the IT portion and people saw terms in the exam that they have never seen. How can I prepare? I know it’s hard to advice someone given that you might now know if the way you prepared helped you because you don’t know your score (10 week score delay) but any advice would help.

    Thank you for your time,

    I need to pass before busy season.

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  • Author
  • #1591212
    shawn in VA

    Hi Mrs. Young,

    Best of luck! I have taken the “old version” of BEC twice and failed BOTH times with 74's back to back. It was devastating and I started to have mental issues and went to doctor. I was prescribed anti anxiiety/depression med along with XANAX. I have not worked up courage to take an exam since March 10. Finally this morning I signed up for BEC on Aug 11.

    As for IT in BEC it is tested heavily along with COSO. I am using CPA excel and it is VERY thorough – lectures and MCQs really hit the concepts. It takes 1 week to go through the IT section in CPA Excel if you dedicate 3 hours a day. Much better than Roger –that IT section was a joke. Lots of little details in CPA Excel that hopefully will be tested on b/c I spent a week on that section

    shawn in VA

    just to be clear I was never on any anti anxiety/depression meds prior to this whole CPA exam process. I get very nervous the morning of exam and especially when I get to Prometric. DR prescribed 2 MG XANAX bars to take right before the exam to calm nerves.


    Shawn, thank you very much for responding. Honestly, I don't know which of your advice helped me the most, the side comment on how you are dealing with your anxiety or your response to my questions. Thank you very much for the side comment, funny thing is that this morning my husband had an anxiety attack (funny because of the coincidence not because he had an anxiety attack) and I got really stress because on top of my exam stress I felt awful about what he is going through and had some anxiety myself. I will actually look into the bar for him.

    On another note, congratulations on such a courageous move to sign up for the exam. I am so proud of you and I will be cheering for you! Best wishes!

    I need to pass before busy season.

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