Starting BEC Studying today

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  • #1327700

    Today I’m starting to study for BEC. I plan to use a Wiley Study Guide, Wiley MCQ, and will supplement with ninja MCQ before the exam. Exam is 5 weeks from tomorrow, and plan on studying 10-15 hrs a week the first four weeks, and about 30-40 the week before. Any thoughts based on previous experiences if there’s anything that might help me be better prepared by the time exam day comes around?

    AUD 8/18/16
    FAR 11/16
    BEC 1/17
    REG 2/17

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  • Author
  • #1327742

    Memorize lots and lots of formulas


    Thoroughly understand COSO's Internal Control and Enterprise Risk Management. Know the main components (ie internal environment, event identification, etc.) and what makes up each component. Do a ton of questions.


    various WIP calculations
    split products and WIP at split off and break even analysis
    internal control

    and if you are using Becker, don't let Angie throw you off with the whole “this is a concepts test and if you understand the concepts conceptually, you can do well”. understand concepts conceptually? really?

    I much prefer Peter to Angie on the BEC explanations.

    good luck.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16

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