Sat for BEC – The exam kept crashing

  • Creator
  • #2405844

    I sat for BEC on 5/15/19. I’ve never had any issues with the exam experience until this one. My exam crashed 5 or 6 times. After the 4th, we contacted tech support and found out that the problem was coming from the Excel application. If I had Excel open when I clicked ‘next question’, it would crash. I had to make sure I closed it before moving on to the next question. The timer stopped when it crashed, but it added 30-45 mins to my total time at the testing center. The first time it crashed I was pretty worried because I remember reading some posts on here that their timer didn’t stop running. I think I probably lost about 10-15 minutes overall because after logging back in after a crash, I would work out a problem in Excel and then answer the question. When I came back after the crash, what I had entered into excel for that specific problem was cleared out and I think the question was also cleared out on a couple of the attempts. It messed up my momentum. The first crash happened about an hour in, while I was working on the 2nd testlet. I ended up having to rush and guess on some of the SIMS so that I would have enough time for the written portion. I left myself with the exact amount of time that I needed to finish all 3 writing questions, but I just hope that my SIM scores didn’t suffer too much.

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  • Author
  • #2407944

    Reporting Examination Concerns
    During your examination session, report equipment/functionality issues or environmental disruptions/
    distractions to test center staff without delay.

    After completing your examination, if you feel that the circumstances surrounding your test administration
    prevented you from performing at a level consistent with your knowledge and skills; or, if you have a question or
    concern about the test, you must notify NASBA at no later than five (5) days from the
    date of your examination to document your concern. Reporting the issue to the testing site staff (TCAs) and/
    or leaving a comment in the survey at the end of the examination does not take the place of filing a formal
    complaint with Candidate Care at NASBA. Do not wait to receive your scores before notifying NASBA.


    Thanks for the reply. I had no idea about the 5 day rule. Today is the 5th day, so I'm hoping that I made the cutoff. In my email, I said that they should consider including this requirement in the post-exam questionnaire. I don't think it's there right now but maybe I just overlooked it. Thanks again for posting this. I'm glad I saw it in time.

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