Repeat Questions on retake of BEC

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  • #1454409

    for those of you that have re-taken BEC, did you have the same Written Communication question on both exams( all three weren’t the same just one was) I found it really strange. I am not going to say what the topic was, but I hope that is the pretest and gets thrown out

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  • #1454418


    I have had scheduled BEC for next Monday BEC for second time. Can you please advise how do you managed the response; an example of the “introduction” and “conclusion” that you use or memorized for the exam? My weakest area the first time was the Written Communication (because is not my first language) and I don't know how to study for this task this time!

    Thank you!


    I understand that you are considering implementing a balanced scorecard performance measurement system at Hewitt Company. This memorandum explains the nature and benefits of such a system.

    The balanced scorecard is a performance measurement system that includes both financial and nonfinancial measures. It includes measures in the four perspectives of financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth. By measuring performance with multiple measures across these four perspectives, a balanced scorecard is more strategic than other systems that rely primarily on financial measures. It aids in communicating the company's strategy to all members of the organization and helps insure that they work to achieve the organization's strategic goals.

    I suggest that you continue with your plan to implement a balanced scorecard system because I believe that it is superior to other single-dimensional systems.

    If you have any questions, please contact me.

    this is straight from Wiley, if you use something like this you will be okay


    Thank you Thank you!


    Not for BEC but after taking 3 attempts to pass FAR, I actually had a repeat AL research question. I was pretty sure it wasn't a pretest just based on its nature. If you felt it was whacky it definitely could have been pretest for you. Hard to say. Repeats definitely happen and can either help or wreck you haha.

    BEC - 74, 77
    FAR - 72, 71 (retake 7/29)
    REG - 69
    AUD - Q4 '16

    CA Candidate


    When I took my AUD re-take last fall, I had some of the same SIMS that I did initially…I thought that was really strange too.

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 74, 74
    BEC - 83
    REG - TBD


    Repeat question on your SIMs on the same test? You're saying, for instance in BEC, 2 WC questions are the same and the third one is different? Or let's say in FAR, out of 6-7 SIMs, two are exactly the same questions?
    That's odd!


    No I got the question when i took the exam back in September and then i got the same question when i retook the exam. Based on other people's responses it seems like it can happen just not a high chance that it does happen


    Ah okay, I got it now. It’s not unusual. I took BEC 5x. I got one same WC question from B1 of Becker that I saw in my Attempt #2, 3, and 4. My WC was comparable in all those attempts. But in my test #5, I didn’t see it anymore, and then I passed.

    In my REG attempt #2, I saw one same question about license revocation that was asked 3x.

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