Really, Really Need Some Help

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  • #191251

    OK, I am on my last section (yay!) which is BEC. I saved this for last because, let’s face it, it has the highest passing rate and is considered the “easier” one.

    However, I am dying and I can’t even get past the first section in Becker (COSO, ERM, Cost Accounting).

    Let me give you some background: I have my undergrad in Political Science (which I loved) but when I was working to put myself through college I was exposed to accounting and discovered I have a natural knack for it. I decided to go and get my masters in accounting and now I work as a Senior Accountant.

    Back to the topic, BEC seems (and SERIOUSLY correct me if I am wrong) that it is full of material and concepts one would get if their undergrad was in Finance or some other related degree. I seriously have no idea though.

    I am begging for some insight and help. From someone who, other than 33 hours of accounting, has only been exposed to Econ 1 and 2 and a bunch of stuff about politicians always arguing about stuff. How do you think I should study? What are some good techniques to get my brain to understand this info faster? Really, anything that worked for you.

    This is the only place I could come because you all rock so much. I told my husband, “I have a problem”. He said, “With what?”. I said “Nothing you can help me with”. Then I pulled my laptop forward and started writing this.

    Thank you in advance!

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  • #637785

    I was in the same boat…have a Bachelor's in English and Communication, moved to a small city and stumbled into accounting. BEC was rough for me, because I had taken Econ in high school and hadn't looked at anything else since. I bought Ninja MCQ and just plowed through everything. I then focused on my trouble areas- econ and cost variances. Hope this helps a little 🙂

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    Are there some topics your having more trouble with than others? I had trouble with the econ topics. I watched the Khan academy economic videos which really helped me. Information technology the NINJA blitz videos helped me there.


    One tip: short term memory helps.

    Try to study as much as you can. Then when it comes 2-day before the test, try study your weakest part. If you don't understand it, then just memorize it (I knocked out the budget variance analysis and the COSO part).

    DON'T leave everything till the last 2 days… You don't want to (and in no way you can) remember 120 pages of material in 2 days

    Good luck


    For me, I learned through the MCQs. I had a difficult time understanding the concepts as well, and just felt helpless. I did the MCQs, and at first I'm pretty sure I got less than 70% on every section and thought “wth!”. But the more I did it, the more I understood the concepts since they are now associated with a somewhat “practical application”.

    But yeah, that's my 2 cents.. If the material isn't helping, try learning through the MCQ's explanations since they give you something more “visual”. Good luck!

    BEC - PASS (79)
    AUD - PASS (63, 71, 74, 74, 83)
    REG - PASS (88)
    FAR - PASS (58, 89)

    Becker for all + FAR 10 Point Combo


    @gabe, definitely helps 🙂

    @242126, thank you for the insight. I've been wondering which Ninja items to get…

    @chnbsb, thank you for the advice

    I think I'll grab some supplementary study materials and hope for the best. I moved on to part 2 because part 1 was just killing me. I'll have to tackle it later. Good news is that this second area is making a little more sense.


    I've only had two economics courses. Is that what you are struggling with? I would think cost would be the hardest. I was lucky because I tutored managerial so it was a pretty quick review. I think some of the IT and general concepts were easy because they were covered so much in my undergrad. I can definitely see it taking you more time to get through. Just memorize as much as possible.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    you can do this. if you passed the other 3 sections, you are capable of passing your last section. while it would have helped to take courses in finance, economics, cost accounting, IT classes, etc. just try finding supplementary books or materials/videos on the internet or your local library. also post questions on this websites bec study group forum. everytime i had a question it got solved on the forum. practice MC as much as you can. can never get enough of that stuff. memorize the pneumonics that becker provides. they will be extremely helpful. just watch the videos or read the material a couple times. it will get through


    Google investopedia and CFA level I

    Mayo, BBA, Macc

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