Q4 BEC Exam Experience - Page 2

  • This topic has 33 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by sg235.
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  • #2069039

    How did it go for anyone having taken it in Q4?
    I am scheduled for two weeks from now… trying to get a handle on the variety of topics.

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  • #2101137

    I take BEC tomorrow too! Good luck everyone!


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    Good luck SG


    I just came out of the test and I feel like someone ran me over twice. The questions were so random and some of the topics were like nothing I saw in NINJA or Becker. The mcq screwed be over but I’m hoping that I got some points on the SIMs. I do not feel good about this one but I’m going to try not to think about it until the 19th and prepare for a retake until then.


    Sorry I didn't around to posting yesterday.. was done for the day.. lol!
    It was all over the place for sure and I found that the first testlet was calc heavy while second was lighter.
    The TBS though.. all DRS 🙁 except the WC.
    Z– you and I must have similar exams .. I also SWOT and KPI and lots of variances.
    Now taking it easy for a few days till the scores come in. Fingers crossed!!


    Taking BEC on Monday. Any last minute studying tips or guidance? I feel the least prepared for this section compared to the other sections.

    FAR – 76
    AUD – 77
    REG – 85
    BEC – 12/10/18


    @Sheskierk – I agree with @Zmosburn, my exam was fairly straightforward.

    Just like the AICPA sample exam, the ratios, “Analytic Definitions” & “Valuation Metrics”, are provided for the TBS but NOT for the MCQ. I will have these memorized for the retake.


    Maybe I blacked out during the exam but I had two, maybe three variance questions🤨 Saw lots of ratios, probability and COSO. Ratios-easy peasy, right? My brain started messin’ wit me…was thinking is Current ratio CA/CL?? or CL/CA??🤔


    I was feeling more prepared for BEC than I was for any other section. This one still has me scratching my head though. First MCQ was straight forward, only a couple I wasn't sure on. 2nd Testlet much harder. TBS were calculation intensive, the first time I've used a spreadsheet on any exam. I felt I was budgeting time well, got throught MCQ in less than two hours, still ran short of time on my 3rd written, so I'm pretty nervous about how it went. One TBS was a head scratcher.

    Make up was mostly what I was expecting, COSO and variance heavy. Much less on micro/macro than I expected, very few on governance. I've heard it more than once, but so many more IT questions than I expected, and the questions seemed really on the fringe of the material – things I wouldn't have really expected to see based on the direction Gleim had me studying. Outside of running out of time, I didn't feel like the written prompts were too difficult.

    I've passed REG, FAR and AUD with reasonable scores on the first try, this may be my first fail. Now to go find something to keep me busy for another week and a half…and maybe consider different study material for a re-take.


    @Angie – that doesn’t sound too bad and your previous scores are impressive!!


    @red I had the same experience as you. The first teslet was more calculation based (cost accounting, financial management). I thought I did well on the first testlet. Oddly, the second testlest didn’t seem harder. The second testlet asked some super weird conceptual questions. They weren’t wordy like FAR’s second testlet, which is throwing me off because I’m not sure if that means I did bad on the first testlest. It had more IT, COSO, and ERM. 3/4 of the sims were super easy. They were more ratios and analyzing. I thought 2/3 of the WCs were easy as well.
    I took the exam last quarter and got a 74. Last quarter I had a ton of variance questions but not even one this quarter.
    I’m praying I passed because this is my last one. I worked my butt off studying for this last exam.


    @CPAmojo, you passed BEC and are done! Congratulations!!!!


    @Sg235 — how’d you do on REG?🤞


    @red thank you!! Worked my butt off for a 76 on BEC. Passed the first three on my first try but kept failing BEC. I’m so glad to be done with BEC and this whole exam. Good luck on your score releases! I know you’re going to do well.


    @CPAmojo I had a very similar experience in regards to the MCQ testlets. May I ask you what you how you performed on MCQs? (weaker/comparable/stronger). Congratulations on passing all four!!

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