Post BEC – Initial thoughts

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  • #187913

    Well took BEC. Good chance I didn’t pass since I had to rush the second memo and didn’t do the third one at all.

    Seems like Wiley Test Bank’s BEC didn’t touch on some areas that were tested on and other areas that it does touch on it doesn’t focus enough on (it was easier to solve through process of elimination for example).

    Also something I noticed is that I was being hit with questions that I recognized from studying for other sections of the exam, I think REG/AUD.

    In case I didn’t pass, any suggestions on other material that will cover gap left by Wiley?

    Far: 76 (Wiley Test Bank)
    Aud: 77 (Wiley Test Bank)
    Reg: 61, 76 (Wiley book, Wiley Test Bank)
    Bec: 86 (Wiley Test Bank)

    MBA in progress

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  • #597425

    I felt the same way when I took BEC. I've taken it more than once and noticed a big gap..I keep scoring in the 70s and can't seem to bump up my score past a 73. I used Wiley recently but have used Becker before and they also have that gap so it seems that the exam is weird and not the materials aren't good enough. I've heard from a couple people on the site that Ninja MCQ are doing a good job of filling in those gaps, but I don't have them for BEC. Can anyone advise if Ninja for BEC is a good idea?

    AUD: 84
    FAR: 75
    BEC: 78
    REG: 75


    REG: Used Becker 2014 book, NINJA MCQ, Ninja notes, ninja audio
    CFE since Oct. 2013.


    get the ninja MCQ – you won't be disappointed.


    I have the Ninja MCQ's and definitely have some of those gap fillers. I've taken and failed BEC as well and had the same feeling so the Ninja MCQ's are certainly worth it.


    Good info. I already have WTB, but it sounds like I should seriously consider getting Ninja MCQ for BEC. It doesn't cost too much and will save money in the long run if it helps me pass.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    I used Becker to study and while I felt the course prepared me well (I'll know for sure soon), the Ninja MCQ were a great review tool. I had gotten used to how Becker worded the questions and what they ask so it was helpful to have a different set of questions to go thru. My last 4-5 day I did only new questions on NINJA so I could see as many topics as possilbe. I didn't redo the questions but made sure I understood the answer. I think they helped me just think thru things in a slightly different way.

    BEC 8.14.14 - 87!
    FAR 1.8.15 - 89!
    REG 4.15.15 - 86!
    AUD 7.2.15 - 90!

    Application submitted 8.6.15
    Licensed CPA 8.19.15

    Benefit in living in a small state SD!


    Hey ShelahV, I just took my BEC test last Wednesday on the 13th. How did you get your score already?




    BED – waiting for my freaking score!


    Thank you all for the advice I am going to try Ninja MC for BEC. I took BEC on 5/28 and got a 72 using Wiley. I studied Wiley only again and took BEC on 7/21 and got a 70 and i thought for sure I had passed. I am definitely certain that I need different material.

    FAR 78

    AUD 78

    BEC 70

    REG (10/23)

    AUD 84
    FAR. 78(expired/retake 5/9/16)
    BEC 77
    REG 76


    Seems to me like different people just “click” with different tests. I basically spent one week (full-time) watching BEC videos and doing maybe half a dozen problems, and I just found out I passed (albeit just barely). Going in, I was terrified because I didn't even have enough time to really cover all the material (basically only watched a third of the Becker videos, and those were my primary study source, and then capped it all off with Ninja Blitz), but I guess it did me the favor of not getting me bogged down in all the overwhelming details and minutia.

    Anyway, I guess there's something to be said for cramming, as long as you don't push your luck (as I did with FAR, allocating only 2 weeks).

    AUD: 88
    BEC: 79
    REG: 81
    FAR: 72 » 74 » 88

    Study method: 100% watching videos, including solving problems covered therein; no books, paper, or pencils


    Just got my score back and i passed BEC! I'm DONE (passed all for on my first attempt) and officially a CPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all the candidates out there, just keep your chin up and study hard and you'll pass.

    I mainly used CPAEXCEL and little bit of BECKER. Keep up the hard work.


    Okay guys somehow, despite what I feel was a gap in some of my understanding and not finishing the memos, I passed with an 86.

    I had started getting ready to take it over again next month and was studying ninja mcq like crazy

    Far: 76 (Wiley Test Bank)
    Aud: 77 (Wiley Test Bank)
    Reg: 61, 76 (Wiley book, Wiley Test Bank)
    Bec: 86 (Wiley Test Bank)

    MBA in progress

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