Just took the new BEC - Page 2

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  • #1538463

    So, i just took the new version of BEC yesterday afternoon. Obviously, it is a longer test than before the change from a time perspective.

    I failed the old version with a 69 in January and have been studying my a** off ever since for the retake.

    For starters, I have no earthly idea where they pulled some of this IT material. Nothing was covered in Becker for a lot of questions I saw.

    The sims were also very difficult. I felt like a couple that I saw were more difficult than FAR to be honest.

    I’d love to hear others experiences so far. I’ve read a few responses, but haven’t seen a whole lot of feedback yet.

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  • #1547110

    thanks for share

    FAR 05/24/16 73 07/27/2016
    reg 07.07.2016


    @rsg149 thanks for sending the mail to AICPA. That's the exact mail I got too. But after that, I explained to him that I don't want AICPA to discuss personally with me, or recommend any courses but need help regarding the content of what to study, and how to prepare for the exams. After that I got an email saying that they will raise a ticket and submit to the examination committee. That's exactly what I want. So far, I don't think the examination committee even know that we are suffering with BEC due to the lack of proper information, because everybody think they cannot do anything about it, or there is no use in telling AICPA. After this let them know people are actually suffering. If more people send them email I think sooner they will do something about this.

    Sometimes, it is necessary we need to stand up and speak for ourselves. If we choose not to speak for ourselves, then, nobody will.

    shawn in VA


    the AICPA is corrupt. they have ZERO transparency. We get little to no details as to when we fail. That score report is garbage. AICPA is business like any other business….to make a PROFIT. They make more profit by failing people who really deserve to pass so candidates can pay $250 to take the exam again.

    I am beyond frustrated with BEC…I have received two 74s in a row. It has taken a toll on my health (anxiety and depression). I have to take BEC again most likely Q2 and all I keep hearing is that the exam is mostly IT. I am not strong in IT. I am wondering if I should just wait til Q3.

    Sunny E

    @shawn in VA, don't give up. I failed twice 74/70 in BEC. Here is what I learned:
    1. If you are a person like me who perfer nitty-gritty details, it is time to change the study habit. I told myself that I need to nail the frameworks of COSO, COBIT, and SOX2002. It study it like I am going to be a Controller/CFO next year. 🙂 Here is the Website I go to retrieve the guidelines. There are a lot of infomration to digest, so I suggest you start with Executive Summary. Trust me, it is worth of your time to achieve both short-term (passing the exam) and long-term (be a CFO)
    IIA – for example, GTAG-8 Auditing Applicaiton Control
    COSO – for example, Guidance on Internal Control, Guidance on ERM

    2. If there is anything I am good at in the career, it is Accounting not IT for sure. After seeing so many similar experience about the first-time IT questions (same here), I do feel quite helpless. I know it is not because I did not spend enough time to prepare for this topic. The problme is that I am stuyding something out-of date!!! By working at a software company in the Silicon Valley, I have many IT guru to confirm (actually, to laugh at) my finding. They literally told me that they never heard VAN. After google my question, their comments are “it is '80 practice !!!)I do blame on both CAP review courses and AICPA not being albe to provide a cutting edge study materila and blueprints. Unfortunately, I have no way to prove my point with AICPA since they will never release those IT questions. But I will still send my concerns to AICPA and hope someday they will wait up someday.

    never give up! 5/25 is my next BEC exam and I will study it madly to make sure it will be my last one…


    Nope. The AICPA, a 501(c)(6) org, makes pretty much no money off these exams.

    “The agreement provides for the AICPA to break even with regard to costs incurred in developing and maintaining the Domestic Examination.”

    Source: the most recent annual financial report on aicpa.org

    This tri-party agreement between the AICPA, NASBA, and Prometric expires in 2024. If anything, they might be making a few coins off the international candidates which I believe isn't part of this agreement, but I could be wrong and it's probably not that much.

    Keep studying. If you get frustrated, take a break.


    ^^^ well someone is making lots of money off of them, if that was the case there would not be frequent changes to the exam or the 18 month window which makes it harder to complete this process. The CFA does not have any window but they have 3 test you must complete, the CPA is the most annoying process with the 150 credit rule and 18 month window and the pass/fail feedback is horrible.
    – Not to mention we have to wait until August to find out if we pass/failed this quarter which is terrible.


    @ShawninVA I can very well relate to this. I failed BEC with 73 and 74 too. After passing FAR first attempt in Nov 16 next three attempts two times BEC and first time AUD I received a failing score. That too second time BEC score came on Feb 7th . Feb 9th was my second-time AUD exam. I completely broke. Took me one full day to put pieces together inside me. I didn’t study on 8th. My AUD exam on 9th was another story. Only first testlet I was able to relate. The next two testlet had no idea. Sims were like FAR which I was not prepared at all. But I passed.

    This personally happened to me before two months. Bad days Don’t stay. Trust me. You will surely pass in Q2.


    I just took BEC, I failed with a 74 back in March. I'm so frustrated, about 70% of the MC were IT questions that were not covered in Becker. I had to guess on almost all of the MC. The simuliatons were long but manageable.
    The thought of having to wait 3 months for a failing score is killing me. I feel like I wasted my time studying. 🙁


    BEC – a lot harder than I expected. The “Mini-Me” of FAR.

    Yes, I just reviewed Becker IT section – many concepts not present. You have to be a good guesser. I don't know how you're supposed to prep for things and I have been nailing the IT portion! I guess the idea is to review and then “use the Force”.

    Best of luck, y'all.


    obviously im not asking to divulge any test info with this question – but are the BEC calcs long and drawn out ones? I know I need to memorize all formulas but are the calcs considered straight forward or advanced in your opinion?


    There were various preparation sims that I saw which actually had the calculations for key calculations. I would say that was a good preparation. But beware that when something is given like that, that what is asked is pretty hairy. The sims were difficult but on par with prep material – but each one had a lot of stuff – more questions than I expect with rarely any element slightly easier to give a bit of wind/relief.

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