Just took BEC!

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  • #190413

    Im not sure how I did, some of the M.C. were a little tricky… Got a ton of IT questions, and I hammered Cost accounting, econ concepts, but didnt get any questions on those…….. I hope I passed, until then! NO MORE STUDYING!

    BEC: 73,78 79
    AUD: 60, 60, 70, 80
    FAR: 49, 64, 71, 82
    REG: 68, 68, 73, 78

    DONE.... OMGFG DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well 2 ethics tests to take.

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  • #637591

    I just took it too and I don't know if I passed. Group 1 had easy questions and I finished well ahead of 45 minutes I planned on. I was unsure about a few but had narrowed it down. Set 2 was moderate but doable. Set 3 was WTF. They picked obscure details and repeated the same concept a few times. 2-3 concepts were not even covered in my review book. Written part was okay since I knew the answer to them. The off topic question about inventories was probably the trial run question that is not graded and counts.

    Overall experience was exhausting. I don't know how I will handle FAR when I get there. I'm dreading it.

    BEC 11/29/14 77 (Roger)
    AUD 2/23/15 60 (Roger) 4/13/2015 83 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    REG 5/30/2015 66 (Roger & Ninja MCQ(7 hours only)) 8/23/2015 78 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    FAR 11/23/2015 60 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 2/24/2016 74 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 5/25/2016 83 (Roger+Roger CRAM & NINJA MCQ/NOTES)
    Texas Ethics Exam 92%

    Licensed TX CPA Aug 2016


    I also took BEC this morning.

    Overall experience was neutral? At least the questions were normal, and I have at least studied or seen them before. I took REG on 11/17, and started studying for BEC. I got lazier, which I blame the holiday. So one week's study, and I'm not sure if I'm gonna pass.

    Interestingly, the IT topics were those of the easiest I felt when I study the Becker. The questions on the exam were somehow were tricky or weird in the way they were being asked.

    Oh, did I mention that? I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA ON ANY OF THE THREE WRITINGS. But I managed to pretend I know the answer to them and basically BS all the way through. 🙂

    FAR (4/14/14) - 97
    REG (11/17/14) - 94
    BEC (11/30/14) - 92
    AUD (2/28/15) - 99



    I was in the BEC bubble and found out I passed just now.


    My essays were correct in terms of content/subject matter but written at a middle school level. I threw in a lot of key terms that the automated system looks for but a person grading it would identify as the strategy I was using. I am sure the written is what pushed the score over the bar.

    The set 2 and 3 MC questions were not easy on mine and I flat out guessed on a few of them while I narrowed it down to 2 choices in many others. Walking to my car I felt exhausted and defeated. I had studied constantly for 3 days sleeping maybe 4 hours a night. Driving my car my eyes hurt so much I kept staring straight ahead. I dreaded having to do this again. To anyone reading this taking BEC I would say keep hope alive and do not blow off the WC. You obviously can not write a scholarly essay in 15 allocated to each one. Roger CPA Review saved me on this one. His advice of have a start (where you restate the question they ask and nothing more), middle (where you make your point and keep it short), and end (thank them, BS a little, be polite, and restate your point made in the middle condensed to a few words) worked 169%.

    On to audit.

    BEC 11/29/14 77 (Roger)
    AUD 2/23/15 60 (Roger) 4/13/2015 83 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    REG 5/30/2015 66 (Roger & Ninja MCQ(7 hours only)) 8/23/2015 78 (Roger & Ninja MCQ)
    FAR 11/23/2015 60 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 2/24/2016 74 (Roger & NINJA MCQ) 5/25/2016 83 (Roger+Roger CRAM & NINJA MCQ/NOTES)
    Texas Ethics Exam 92%

    Licensed TX CPA Aug 2016



    I'll take ur advice on BEC on the WC . I too am using roger cpa review course to study for the cpa exam. The written portion has been my struggle point for my studying. But it does seem you don't really need to know the material as long as you can put in key words. I will be taking my exam next week wish everyone luck to those taking their exams this quarter.


    FAR - 76
    AUD- 88
    REG - 76
    BEC- 74, 80


    Roger cpa review ( Added Ninja for BEC)

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