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    Just took BEC today and thought I would share my experience with you guys.

    First testlet wasn’t too bad. Had to make educated guesses on a couple.

    Second testlet was noticeably more difficult. More calculations and wordier questions. Maybe 5 I wasn’t completely sure on.

    Third testlet was about the same level of difficulty as the second.

    So I would say they were medium/difficult/difficult, which is a good sign.

    The calculation questions were pretty straightforward. Nothing I haven’t seen in the Ninja MCQ. I felt prepared for the calculations since I made it a point to memorize all of the formulas.

    A heavy dose of IT and COSO, which seems to be the consensus among everyone whose taken the exam this quarter so no surprise there. I did all of the IT questions in Ninja, Roger, and Wiley, but still had questions that seemed completely foreign to me. What’s weird is I got 2 IT questions that were almost identical in testlet 2 and 3 and it was one of the questions that was foreign to me so I’m hoping they were pretests.

    The WC were manageable. 2 were BEC related and 1 was FAR related. I left 1 hour for the WC and felt like this was ample time to write and review them. I submitted the WC with 1 minute to spare so I used up all of my time.

    All in all, I walked out of the testing center feeling pretty good, and felt like I prepared myself well for the exam. But as many of you know, you can never be sure until scores are released. Good luck to everyone who is taking BEC in the next few days! Hopefully none of us have to ever see the BEC sims.

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  • #1506447

    true..you never know but it surely sounds like a pass to me!!


    I sure hope so @famh110.

    I made the mistake of looking through my book and seen a couple of questions that I answered wrong. I know its easy to focus on the ones you get wrong and drown out the ones you answered right.

    I felt completely awful after leaving FAR and thought for sure I failed. I even called my mom afterwards and was crying to her over the phone. Three weeks later I found out I got a 79. It’s so difficult to gage these exams by the way you feel. Its best to remain open minded while waiting for the scores and not to count yourself out early because you never know.

    shawn in VA


    For someone like me who has not taken FAR …is the FAR WC something you can BS your way through ? Was the 2 BEC WC topics straightforward or require lots of analysis? I am taking on Mar 10, and keep getting screwed on WC in past exams . I always get non BEC topics.

    What are your suggestions in last minute studying for those taking the exam in next 4 days or less ?



    @shawn in VA I honestly forgot a lot of FAR since I took it back in July 2016, so I 100% believe you can BS your way through the FAR WC. Just be sure to restate what they are asking in the first paragraph and pull out as many accounting terms as possible in the body and then end with a strong conclusion. In the conclusion just say something along the lines of: “I look forward to discussing [topic of the WC} further. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.”

    One of the BEC questions was regarding something every BEC candidate should know forward and backward before the exam. The other was something you should have a general grasp on and should be able to come up with some good points on.

    I would suggest that you look at your detailed MCQ score report for Ninja MCQ and hammer out the MCQ for the subcategories that are under 70%. Once you hit 70% on all subcategories, then try for 75% and so on if you have time. What helped me tremendously on the calculation questions was making flashcards for every formula then memorizing them all. I made nearly 100 flashcards just for formulas, but it’s totally worth it! Good luck!


    You studied from three sources for IT and still got some foreign questions.
    I studied from becker only and memorized every worl on it,but got around 15 foreign questions.

    For your exam I am sure it is a pass


    @AnasAG Yes, I even checked my Roger book when I got home to make sure I wasn’t just missing something. I scanned the whole IT chapter and did not see some of the topics from my exam. Just goes to show that no matter how hard you study, there will still be stuff you will not know and will need to make educated guesses on. Here’s to hoping that those foreign IT questions were just pretests!

    shawn in VA


    Thank you for your suggestions. I don't have Ninja MCQ. Only the ninja notes and book.

    Is it worth it to buy the NINJA MCQ as my exam is in 3 days and just complete the IT and COSO parts (since the exam appears to be IT and COSO heavy)? Would it help for the exam b/c I am tight on cash but If its going to help let me know.

    My other sources of MCQs are Roger and Wiley Test Bank.

    Thank you!


    @shawn in VA I think between IT and Corporate Governance it's about 500 MCQ. If you think you can do the 500 questions in the 3 days I think it would be worth it. If not, just reread the Corporate Governance and IT chapters.


    I did all 416 IT + COSO questions in the Gleim testbank in 1 day… they are easy to do quickly because there's no calculations involved.

    last few days… time to put your nose to the grindstone.

    as Tim Gunn would say, “make it work”

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