How my BEC exam went.

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  • #1511368

    I made a video on how my BEC exam went. Check it out if you have some time.


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  • #1511374

    3 “easy” testlets is not indicative of a stellar performance..

    on the bright side, looks like whoever lined you up did a decent job.

    did you incorporate swear words into your written correspondence?


    My first testlet was very similar. It started off with 2 questions that took me over 5 minutes to solve. I was also freaked out, but the next 7-8 questions were not too bad. The difficulty of testlet's questions rotated like I just mentioned. However, I would say my next 2 testlets were still challenging, but not impossible. My testlets had either pretty easy/medium questions of challenging calculations. It was really one or the other and the calculation intensive questions always hung me up. I probably got slightly over half of the calculations intensive questions correct and did decent on the other questions. I honestly do not know if I passed though. I'm hoping the fact that I answered all 3 WC's relatively well that they will push me over a 75. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a 73 though. You never know with this crap! Goodluck to everyone!


    I didn't think my first testlet was easy but the other ones was definitely easier based on the first exam I took. I'm trying to look on the bright side and figure if I got all the easy ones correct or at least 90% of the easier questions correct than I will pass. 3/21 I will know the answer.

    As far as my haircut, thanks! I paid $23 so I'm glad I got my money worth.

    LOL no swear words in my WC.


    I spent 55 mins on Testlet one a few weeks ago!


    I know the feeling. I wish whoever designed the exam would ease the tester with some easy questions in the beginning. I'm glad you also composed yourself and got through the exam.

    3/21 is circled on my calendar. Best wishes!


    Thanks for posting your Bec experience. Those of us planning to take BEC in quarter 2 needed to hear how it went for others so that we can tighten up on our study. Not take the test or study for granted. Good luck to you, and hopefully the results is a pass. Fingers crossed for the rest of us.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    You had a rough start to the exam for sure. My thing is that if you guessed and don't the answer, don't flag it. Accept that you don't know something, take your best guess and keep going. That way you have more time for the questions that you know you can get right (or to add more BS to the written portion items), or the problems that you flag because you're stuck between two good answers.

    Great video though, you seem like a pretty real dude and I dig the honesty. What you said about broad topics is super true, don't get bogged down on small stuff, if you know the concepts well you can figure out the specific stuff.


    @RockLobster thanks for the advice and nice words. I learned from my mistakes and will be more disciplined in future exams to not waste so much time if I dont know the answer.


    Ended up scoring a 73😒.
    Back to the drawing board.

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