Failed BEC Again!

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  • #1393460

    Failed BEC again. The crazy part is I feel completely confident when I go in to take these exams. This was my second fail with BEC after failing AUD twice. I really wanted to be one of the those people to pass on the first time. Last time I purchased NINJA notes to use along side my CPAexcel study material. Should I purchase something else from this website? How long should I study before sitting for BEC again because I really want to pass before the exam changes. Ugh! Help!

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  • #1393484

    I like the Ninja Audio and MCQ personally. You listen to the AUDIO on the drives, doing housework, or anytime else instead of music. Which area is tripping you up? If it is the WC, there are ways to improve your writing, same with MCQ. It is just about quality of studying, not always length.

    I've posted this on a few different threads, it could help with a retake:

    Good luck!

    REG: 80 (02/19/16)
    AUD: 83 (04/11/16)
    BEC: 78 (05/28/16)
    FAR: ?


    Maybe try switching prep programs?

    I just followed the Becker stuff…figure 1.5 courses/week self study (some take more, some less) and a week review after the last class. For BEC I only had 3-4 days of review because I wanted to get the exams over with in Dec.


    Thanks for your response. @Ginja_CPA I noticed you posted that link somewhere and I just read it! I just purchased the AUDIO AND MCQS from here and hoping it will help.

    Thank you for your response! I was REALLY trying to stay away from BECKER because of the cost and the fact that it expires. I'm thinking that I will just purchase additional study material from this website and use my study time more wisely.


    @spete01b I'm right there with you. Going for my BEC 3rd retake on 1/3/17. I felt pretty good going into it but failed with a 71. I too struggle with the thought as well as the financial bind of dropping so much money on Becker. I chose to focus on my weak areas and really hammer those down. Keep chugging!

    REG: 69, 73, 80!
    FAR: 62
    BEC: TBD
    AUD: TBD


    don't give up!

    I took AUD four time. get 70,74(!!),73, and finally 83.

    keep up! do more MCQs, and practice some model theme paper that can fit a wide range of topics.


    Just found out I passed BEC…I used Becker- listened to all of the lectures and only did about 30% of each chapter’s questions. I bought NINJA MCQs, did most of the questions and was trending in the high 60s before the exam. I went over the Becker textbook almost 3x.

    I can only suggest this: get Becker and understand the material. Doing a million MCQs is useless because you will rarely see a question that even resembles anything in a prep course on an actual CPA exam. None of these courses are rocket science. You just have to understand the concepts.

    Good luck and don’t give up.

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    I study multiple choices only and it seems to be working. The questions on the exam will not be a duplicate but the idea behind the homework questions will give you enough knowledge to pass. Unless you're planning to just memorize the answer than yes the homework questions is useless.


    Keep in mind that Becker doesn't expire if you do the work…they have a warranty. I never used anything else…but I found it great on FAR and Audit, OK on REG…not great on BEC, but that may have more to do with me and background/abilities than the prep. I also have no reference point for comparing it to Wiley or anything else.

    I guess I look at it like this…

    Compare CPA and prep costs to law school, or as an upfront investment cost…it's pretty minuscule, even for Becker. If you KNOW one program didn't work, I'd try another.


    And I completely disagree about Becker MCQ being useless; exact matches or not, they test and prepare conceptual ability to go for the questions you do get. I found them particularly useful in FAR and audit.

    One thing Becker seems to do that I hate is…they sneak MCQ in there on stuff not in lecture/books and don't explain adequately in the question answer. Also…I never got helpful question answers from support staff.


    I feel your pain. BEC is tricky among the exams but i would recommend you doing lot of MC questions. After i failed both BEC and FAR once, purchased Ninja MCQs and that definitely helped me a lot. Key is to not give up. Thank You.


    I used Gleim/NINJA MCQ for all parts except BEC. For BEC I used a buddy's unexpired Becker/NINJA MCQ to save money for xmas stuff. lol.


    Speaking of study materials, I wanted to get that BOGO ninja special so bad, but I just didn't have the money…..I have four children in college and they are all home…..No Food, No money, lots of noise, No sanity!!!! but I am glad to see them and they are doing well. I do have audio and notes, so I'll stick with those.
    @ spete01b, trying again seems to be the name of the game….so try again, don't hesitate.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I passed FAR with an 84 using ~85% Ninja MCQ. For $49 the value is crazy. Just make sure to focus on why a question is right and the concept that needs to be applied and not memorizing the answer. The Ninja explanations are pure gold.

    Trouble questions and key concepts I copied into evernote for periodic review.


    After failing BEC for 4 times, 69 67 73 70 I finally got 76!! First 2 exams were with Becker only then I had to move and find new job/house then Becker expired so I just read my book through again then bought Wiley test bank. I scored 73. I feel like adding Wiley helped me understand and study same topic differently and I think it helped me to add score. I completed all the questions they have for 2 times.Next I added Ninja MCQ I was going to do NINJA MCQ everything 2 times then wiley 2 times again but didn't really have time to get all done then my score went down to 70…This time I just used test bank and read Becker book, I used internet to cover topics I am not understanding 100% made a note myself.I think having too much stuff to handle is not good but adding another one helped.

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