Bizarre BEC testing experience…..

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  • #185957

    So my BEC exam was scheduled for yesterday at 9:00 A.M. I show up to the testing site around 8:30 and find the place locked, without any lights on, and a few people sitting outside the door. We wait until 9:15 and still no employees have shown up so we start calling Prometric and try to see what is going on. Bottom line……no employees showed up until early afternoon. Several people had already left, but I had to get the exam done by the 31st or my AUD credit expires.

    Has this happened to anyone else? I feel like it completely through me off and will probably reflect in my score. Normally you show up and are so focused on the material…..I had to spend half a day trying worrying about how to get an employee to Prometric so I could get in the door.

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  • #558854

    Wow…that's horrible mataeo! Hope you pass!


    I would report your experience to the CPA examination services. That's totally unacceptable for a national level certification exam.

    AUD - 82 (10/13)
    REG - 84 (11/13)
    BEC - 91 (2/14)
    FAR - 81 (4/14)
    (Wiley, WTB, Ninja Blitz)

    I'm DONE!!!! Thanks Jeff & all the Ninjas out there who answered questions & encouraged me along the way!


    Did the employees give you a reason that they were late? Was no one scheduled to work, or did they just show up hungover or something? Definitely reoprt that…


    Report it directly to NASBA. Any exam difficulties have to be reported within 5 days and they are normally pretty quick about getting back to you. I've read that the test center reports and the survey at the end of the exam are still insufficient in regards to problems with your test. And, it can't hurt letting more people know! Good luck!!


    That is terrible. I would be absolutely livid. Definitely report the experience to the AICPA and I seriously hope you typed something in that survey they make you do at the end. Still, that's another reason I take afternoon exams. You never know when a whole prometric center is going to go out get shit faced the night before and decide to just not show up until noon! Seriously, how good of shape do you really have to be in to wave a wand and take some prints? Ugh….just terrible…



    Thanks everyone for the info and being appropriately disgusted along with me! I did email NASBA so I could be on the record, but I am not sure what will come of it. Hopefully I pass so it doesn't matter.

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