BEC-Writing Section

  • Creator
  • #186269

    So finally received my score report. Looks like I killed all of the sections except for Economics and Writing. Any advice on how to study/practice for the Writing section?

    Florida Candidate

    AUD: 77
    REG: 86
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: 79 (Expired)

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  • #570220

    There isn't really a good way to prep for that writing section… you just have to make sure you have an opening, body and conclusion as well as good sentence structure and grammar. Also hit the questions with as many keywords as possible as the first pass is graded by a computer.


    Gator: Here is how I described the writing section to a friend. Did you ever have to write short little papers in school? I used to have these weekly 500 word opinion papers in my MBA program…I got to the point where I could sit down the night before, have a couple of beers and just pound them out. It had been a while since my MBA when I took BEC a few weeks back but the process is the same, just a but shorter.

    1. Take a few minutes to gather your points on the subject.

    2. Write a quick intro

    3. Write 2 paragraphs max

    4. Conclude.

    Just be sure to write it as though you are talking to the audience in the scenario and you should be solid…



    Thanks for the advice I appreciate it.

    Killer score on BEC, hoping I can do that next time around 🙂

    Florida Candidate

    AUD: 77
    REG: 86
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: 79 (Expired)


    Best tip I have to WC is this

    1. Opening Paragraph – Literally use your Question word for word to create your Intro.

    Example – Controller is thinking about changing from LIFO to FIFO and wants to understand what the consequences are and if this will have an impact on the Income Statement.


    This memo will be addressing the concerns relating to the change of accounting for Inventory from the Last in Last out (LIFO) method to First in First Out (FIFO) Method. I will also address your concerns regarding the impact this change will have on your Financial statements.

    So by doing this you have your First intro done and it will set you up for your second which will address the impact and changes etc.

    Hope this makes sense.

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