BEC.. what was that?

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  • #188075

    I just took BEC and it was the strangest experience of my life. I feel like a lot of the multiple choice were obscure, I certainly did not see them during my studies and I used Becker. The writing part was also weird, I got really random topics on IT for two of the three. I would be surprised if I passed it. I guess I need to reevaluate Becker for BEC. Anyone else feel like they just took a test that had nothing to do with the study material?

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  • #589424

    You'll pass


    Sounds similar to my experience. As long as you formatted the WC properly you should be good to go.


    Obscure ..hmmmm . were they on IT ; ECO ; Governance or were they calculations.

    FAR - 81 29th Aug 2013
    AUD - 84
    REG - 82
    BEC - 89 29th Aug 2014
    Using Yager



    VERY similar to my BEC experience. I figured there was no way I'd pass.


    This was basically my BEC experience exactly. I flagged 3 in the first testlet, 8 in the second, and 8 in the third. The ones I flagged were on subjects I had never even seen, and I read the book front to back and did all MCQs twice. (BEC was the only exam I was actually adequately prepared for, and it's because I'm about to lose my AUD score in February if I don't hurry up and finish!) One of my writing topics was also a WTF moment, and I totally BSed it. I was so irritated at Becker's study material after I left the exam, but I passed with an 88 so obviously it worked out. There are 12 pre-test questions in BEC so maybe that's the deal, or maybe some versions of the exam are just full of oddball questions. Either way, this seems to be a common BEC experience and quite a lot of people who report it end up passing, so I wouldn't sweat it.

    AUD - 88
    REG - 76
    BEC - 88
    FAR - scheduled for 10/20/14



    What were these topics that are not even seen in becker. I have heard this over and over. I don't want the questions , just the broad topics. I hope they were not questions relating to physics. 🙂

    FAR - 81 29th Aug 2013
    AUD - 84
    REG - 82
    BEC - 89 29th Aug 2014
    Using Yager



    Lol no physics questions, thankfully ;). I should clarify that for me, they were topics from other sections. One was a REG business law question that I actually had on my REG exam (how random!), and I also had a few FAR topics sprinkled in there as well, on things like bond discounts, premiums, etc (but not as to how they related to interest rate calcs like you would expect for BEC). I'm not sure how that happens but maybe since BEC is kind of like the catch-all exam that tests you on “everything else” they figure people will take it last? I'm not sure, but it was frustrating while I was taking the exam. That said, maybe they were pre-test questions or something, because I ended up passing even though I left feeling totally blindsided and confused. I've seen people say this same thing before on here – that they had oddball questions on BEC that weren't in the Becker test materials – and most of them end up passing. Makes for a weird testing experience but hey, if you pass, who cares!

    AUD - 88
    REG - 76
    BEC - 88
    FAR - scheduled for 10/20/14



    (Thank you) ^100..

    Finally I understand what everyone is complaining about. 🙂

    FAR - 81 29th Aug 2013
    AUD - 84
    REG - 82
    BEC - 89 29th Aug 2014
    Using Yager



    I must say I had a slightly different experience with BEC yesterday…

    First Testlet

    -Flagged 4…may have been the easiest MCQ testlet I had to this point in my CPA experience (took REG 5 days prior to BEC)

    Second Testlet

    -Flagged 6…harder than the first

    Third Testlet

    -Flagged 8


    -totally random…but manageable

    Overall Reaction

    -My exam was pretty math intensive (especially the second 2 MCQ testlets). One very small topic on Becker had about 4 total MCQs which kind of surprised me. I made a rookie mistake on my last MCQ testlet and spent about 10 minutes on the final questions…only to take a guess. This left me 40 minutes for the WC…and I needed every second (I didn't even get to proofread).

    BEC (for me) was a weird experience all around…pretty nervous when I went through the Becker material. I was actually more nervous walking in for this exam than the REG exam…but I walked out feeling great (even better than my AUD exam). Of the 3 I took so far, this is the only one where I didn't second guess myself on the ride home.

    FAR this Thursday (I would fail if the test was tomorrow)

    good luck everyone


    Wait, how did are you going to get three exams done in a 10 day stretch? That is impressive, and maybe something I should do LOL. Did you take AUD in July or something? Looking at your AUD score, you probably will have little trouble with BEC.


    Wait, how did are you going to get three exams done in a 10 day stretch? That is impressive, and maybe something I should do LOL. Did you take AUD in July or something? Looking at your AUD score, you probably will have little trouble with BEC.



    Thanks for posting on this topic! I just got back from taking BEC (for the 3rd time) and feel so confused. The first testlet went well, the second testlet blew my mind and the 3rd was a little easier than then the second. Some of the questions were on topics I've never seen before. I feel so bummed. This is the last one I need to pass and I feel like I'm going to have to take this one for a 4th time. Grrrr….


    Ha… when I took it, I had to confirm I was in BEC and not FAR. And I passed…so you're probably good to go.


    Sounds about right for ALL my exam sections. If you did the best you could, I have no doubt in my mind that you've passed.



    I took Audit on July 3. I wanted to test the waters first.

    I prefer to overlap my studying. It keeps me fresh and I don't get bogged down on one topic, of one exam.

    Having said that, the results of my remaining 3 are still TBD (obviously) so I have no idea it my theory works lol. I gave myself 76 days (total) to study for all 4 parts (counting the test day).

    We'll see what happens…I think I passed BEC…REG is kind of up in the air and I wouldn't be surprised either way…FAR is a different story and I think I'll be retaking in October lol.

    The best part…I will find out all 3 of my scores on the same day

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