BEC Released Questions

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  • #179403

    So I just took Becker’s 2013 BEC Released Questions…I got a 95% on the medium, and much lower on the hard ones (with an overall score of 75% taking into account both types of questions). I’m worried that because I didn’t do so great on the hard that means that I won’t pass my test in a few weeks since they’ll be worth more. Has anyone practiced both, taken the exam and seen a general comparison of their score on the released questions vs. the actual test? Thanks!

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  • Author
  • #617016

    Woah!!! I am using Becker and I have never heard of this… Is it on their website? Is it a setting I can do when I take tests and I just have missed it? I am very interested in this…

    FAR - 81
    REG - 81
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 81

    Ethics - Done
    State License Exam - Done

    License - Licensed CPA in Utah


    I just googled AICPA 2013 released questions and it popped up. Keep in mind, they are released because they won't use them again, but at least they're a similar format and topics to what is on the actual exam.


    Nice! Thanks, Quick question for you though… how were you able to tell if they were “hard” or “medium” classification?

    Created with Compare Ninja

    FAR - 81
    REG - 81
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 81

    Ethics - Done
    State License Exam - Done

    License - Licensed CPA in Utah


    They break it down for you right above each group of questions.


    Bump – anyone?


    Oilgaslb: I asked Becker about these questions and was told the Aicpa releases them because they were either so easy that a majority of the test takers got them correct. Or so off the wall that too many people got them wrong. In any event they are released because the Aicpa never intends to use them again. I found they were good for extra practice but honestly my real test was quite different. I hadn't looked at the 2013 released questions for my other exams so I can't compare for those. I did look at prior years and it seems that Becker incorporated the prior years into their homework questions.

    FAR 92 (2/27/13)
    AUD 99 (4/18/13)
    REG 93 (7/5/13)
    BEC 92 (8/12/13)

    Becker Self Study


    I'm looking for the 2013 or 2014 released BEC questions and can't find them. Link above doesn't work.

    Can anyone help me find them? I never had trouble finding them for the other sections and I thought they were a very useful tool for passing.


    FAR: 65,49,61,74,78
    AUD: 65,68,64,78
    REG: 56,77
    BEC: 75

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