BEC – question repeat

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  • #176451
    Gerg, CPA

    I took BEC yesterday, and I swear i had this one question in Testlet 1 and then saw it again in Testlet 3. The same exact question.

    what is up with that? has anyone ever experienced that? Hope it’s a good sign – i think i got it right both times

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!

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  • #401950

    Yep that happened to me when i took it last week. I'm not sure if its a good sign or not.


    That happened to me on REG and BEC. Slightly different wording but basically the exact same question. I wonder if one of them was a pre-test question? On REG I knew the answer both times, but on BEC I had no clue. So it really irritated me.


    Just happened to me on Aud. I felt like a I had a few questions that were the exact same a few more that were worded similar.


    I've seen this happen on all four exams. Sometimes I passed and sometimes I failed, so I don't think it has an impact, unless you give one answer on testlet #1 and another answer and testlet #3.


    Happened to me in BEC last testing window, got a 73. I've seen others experience this and pass, so take it with a grain of salt…

    B - Passed
    A - Passed
    R - Passed
    F - Passed


    That happened to me on REG and audit! Luckily it was a question I knew cold both times, but it did spook me out a bit!

    Good Luck Everyone!!!!! 🙂

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    happened to me in February and I guessed both times.. which ticked me off and I failed the exam… so I am guessing based on what I've read that this can happen on any of the tests… really sucks~

    BEC - 2/13/13 (59) retake 5/15/13
    AUD -
    REG -
    FAR -


    Same thing happened to me in AUD last May.

    AUD - 84 - 5/31/12 (lost credit), re-take 5/28/14
    REG - 83 - 12/7/12
    BEC - 80 - 2/27/13
    FAR - 69 - 11/30/13, 80 - 2/28/14


    Adaptive exams (including the CPA exam, which is semi-adaptive), sometimes repeat questions as a confirming technique. You get a certain amount of credit for correctly answering a question; if you later answer that same question incorrectly, the evaluation algorithm tosses out the credit (or perhaps just part of it) that you got earlier.

    Adaptive exams have way more going on in the background than test takers realize. The CPA exam questions themselves are written by accounting experts, but the evaluation methodologies that score your exam are designed by people with Ph.D's in weird fields that have nothing to do with accounting.

    Usually the order of the answers changes in the two versions. In any case, it's not big deal and doesn't have any mysterious impact on results–it's just a visible reminder that the exam is actually thinking while you're working.


    Wow, I think the rumors that when you're getting a lot of the same question twice/thrice means that you either get it wrong the first time or the test is just BSing you.

    I encountered 4 same question in FAR. Different in wordings, but same question/concept. I think I got it wrong on the first time but I got it correct for the 2nd/3rd/4th time.

    @Cheese That's a nice info.

    FAR - 92 02/2013
    AUD - 90 05/2013
    REG - 85 10/2013
    BEC - 80 12/2013


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