BEC = Terrible Experience

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  • #179227

    I took BEC yesterday worst experience by far. The test murdered me but through the whole process I just wanted to shoot myself. It was extremely difficult. In my first testlet I had maybe a total of 5 theory questions the rest was computation, testlet#2 just got worse more long questions and computation, by testlet#3 I was done for it contained 3 questions that was not even in the Becker or Wiley content. Yep I looked all three of them up b/c they left me that dumb founded. I felt pretty confident about this exam before taking it but the exam showed me who was boss. Today when I went back to work everyone asked me how I felt about the exam. After explaining I wasn’t confident and really expect to have a rematch with it one of the CPA’s in the office had the nerve to tell me I should have taken when she did 20 YEARS AGO. So someone please clarify to me how we have it easier just because we can take one section at a time did I miss something?

    AUD- 53, 60, 76
    FAR- 72, 60, 78 (Lose credit FEB 2014)
    REG- 86
    BEC- 8/6/13

    Using Becker, Wiley, and Wiley Test bank

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  • #429367

    You got a 93, congrats! By the old, worse you feel, better you did concept.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    I hear that also… My best approach to handling those comments is to use scotch tape to tape my 3rd finger from extending on its own.

    B - (08/29/2013) Passed
    A - (07/02/2013) Passed
    R - (10/17/2013) 73 - Rematch
    F - (05/29/2013) Passed


    Yeah understand the concept. When I walked out of my AUD exam (that I finally passed) they asked me how I did my comment was I have a better chance of finding a unicorn than I do of passing that exam. This time I feel as if I have a better chance of riding the unicorn into the clouds than passing that exam. I really just wanted to be done.

    AUD- 53, 60, 76
    FAR- 72, 60, 78 (Lose credit FEB 2014)
    REG- 86
    BEC- 8/6/13

    Using Becker, Wiley, and Wiley Test bank


    @ acamp I told her well let me go back to 20 yrs ago and take it and you can take mine than we will compare notes.

    AUD- 53, 60, 76
    FAR- 72, 60, 78 (Lose credit FEB 2014)
    REG- 86
    BEC- 8/6/13

    Using Becker, Wiley, and Wiley Test bank


    Remember-20 years ago, they didn't have SOX or international standards to worry about. I hate comments like that.


    I explained that the topics were not consistent with the old test and the comment I got back was…..with any prep course you should be able to nail the topics and not worry about it.

    Words cannot even describe my facial reactions!

    AUD- 53, 60, 76
    FAR- 72, 60, 78 (Lose credit FEB 2014)
    REG- 86
    BEC- 8/6/13

    Using Becker, Wiley, and Wiley Test bank


    I would add that person to my ‘wear a big, fake smile and disregard everything they say' category. I love coworkers.


    The test is a ton easier now in ways that do not make one a better CPA. I took the old paper test back in 2001 and then the newer tests in 2009-2010. The not sitting in one place for 8 hours a day bent over a wobbly table while your hand is cramping is a huge benefit. Those benefits don't make for a better CPA though. The computerized tests are more detailed and test a wider range of topics compared to the old paper exams, which make them a bit harder on an individual test basis. This is offset by being able to study for them one at a time.

    In the end, both ways were challenging in different ways. I think the exam is better for its changes overall.

    As to your exam experience, I hope you will be pleasantly surprised. If you felt the 2nd and 3rd testlet were painful that is hopefully a good indication that you got the harder testlets, which would imply you did decent or well on the previous testles. I walked out of REG swearing I failed and yet ended up with a 97. People just don't get that how you feel and how you score can be on opposite ends of the spectrum.


    My BEC experience was similar to yours. The first testlet took almost an hour and I guess on over 10 MCQ, the second test let i had to rush thru to make up time. I got through that in 15 minutes because I just chose the first answer that I thought was right without thinking. The 3rd was just as hard and I only had about 20-25 minutes for the WC, in which I only restated the question it was asking.

    1000% sure I failed and I got an 80. Pretty sure I passed REG and got a 67. Go figure.

    As for the old exam. My CPA uncle said the only harder part about it was taking 2 tests in the same day. He said the new structure is more detailed and harder, but the testing process itself is what makes it easier than the old days. Who knows.


    VictoriaC – haha, your answer to that rude coworker was great! And no one cares what she says if she can say those kinds of things when she really has no idea. Talking out of her a**.

    You may well have passed. I was sure I failed BEC and didn't. I remember thinking so many questions came out of left field.

    Good luck!!

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California

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