BEC Failed Twice. Last Attempt Left. Need Advise!

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  • #2602320

    Hi! I found out yesterday that I failed BEC again with the same score 66. When I got the score details, it seems that I am weaker in Corporate Governance, IT and Economics sections, even WC this time was weaker which I was stronger on my first attempt. With my current method of studying, I passed the other 3 sections. I passed FAR from the first attempt but I cant get my head around BEC as it does not come natural to me and I can not relate to the material. I am usually going over the lectures (Becker) and doing the MCQ/the SIMS after each section. Three weeks before the exam, I would hammer the MCQ 80 per day and the SIMS non-stop (Ninja (MCQ), Gleim (SIMS), lectures (Becker). Usually I would study 3 hours in the evening Mon-Fri and 4-5 hours during both Sat and San. For my second BEC attempt my trending score in Ninja was in low 80s and I did around 1,800 MCQ between Ninja and Gleim. I have two more attempts to pass BEC before my REG expires in February next year and I am currently 6 weeks pregnant.

    I was so close to give up yesterday and walk away from my dream to become a CPA finally. It has been 2 years journey for me already and if I am going to re-take BEC next window, that would be probably my last attempt since I cant imagine going for another re-take being fully pregnant. I really need to pass this exam in October. I am looking for an advise on how I can maximize on my studying.

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  • #2605419

    Hi! I can probably give you some practical advise since I was in a similar situation and still am. I took REG 29 weeks pregnant and passed (it was so hard to sit through an exam that long) while working full time and took BEC on maternity leave while my baby was 6 weeks old. I BARELY passed BEC with a 77, but was still so happy given my situation. I just took FAR this past Tuesday (back at work now) and I'm waiting on my score. With REG and FAR, I only did 3-5 SIMS each. Personally, I focus on rereading my notes nonstop and MC. I think SIMS are so random and if you're familiar with the format, researching, etc. you should be able to handle almost any question you get. I chose to do no SIMS for BEC. Make sure you are truly understanding the material and not just memorizing stuff and the answers. Ask yourself “Why is this the answer?”. Also, I personally think the first trimester in pregnancy is the worst… that's when your body is working the most to grow the baby. I felt SO sleepy and just couldn't do anything. Maybe wait until you get to the 10-11 week pregnancy mark if possible. Just study study study and don't give up. If you can handle FAR I know you can pass BEC!


    Hi Heather! Thank you for your practical advise. I usually do not take too many notes while studying a section and concentrate on doing MCQ as many as I can. But obviously, my method of studying does not work with BEC and I was looking to change things around. Since I have time till October, I am planning to go over the lectures again. I will add some Ninja audio to listen while commuting to work to ensure that I understand the concepts and will take notes so I can go over them. And of course do nonstop MCQ! This is my first pregnancy and I just hope that I won’t be having morning sickness and can deal with other pregnancy symptoms while studying.

    Good luck with your studies! I can only imagine how hard it is to study and take care of a new born.


    Audio is great too! I listened to them on my commute to work or at home when baby was napping and I was cleaning, etc after she was born. It was my first pregnancy too. I’m sure you’ll pass and it’ll be such a good feeling for you to have it out of the way before your little one gets here! The pregnancy symptoms are the worst in the first trimester (at least in my opinion). I’m hoping I passed FAR and can pass AUD when I take it in September.


    Hi @ Lelya. I totally understand where you are coming from. While I am not pregnant (that's so tough to be in), I am a mummy with one of my kids with special needs. I have failed BEC twice and on my third attempt. I am doing pretty much what you have been doing and still am. Each time I failed, I basically started all over. My first attempt, my score was 67. Second attempt, I supplemented with Ninja and got a 73. I think what may help you (what I am doing a bit differently) is I have post it notes on my mirror and different places in the house with notes of info that I need to memorize. So like if i am brushing in the morning, I can memorize the CAPM formula, etc. Audio may also help you though it doesn't help me. Visual studying is what helps me. I honestly think why I have failed twice is because I have major test anxiety so I am currently working on that as well. This is probably not helpful but hang in there and stick with it. You are so close.


    If it was me, I would switch study materials immediately. I passed BEC, FAR, AUD with Roger; and then failed REG twice in a row with Roger getting scores in the 60's, and I then switched to Becker for REG and experienced an 18-point score increase and easily passed – I had to change study materials to pass. I did not do any MCQ's or SIMS with Becker, all I did was listen to the videos and read most of the Becker text, and things just clicked differently, things that Roger glossed over in REG, Becker took their time and went into depth on certain topics. The way I handle Test Dates are, that when I'm sitting in the testing center and I see a question about BEC Corporate Governance or BEC Technology questions or Cost Accounting, I need to immediately see an image of that textbook page in my head, that is how I handle questions on Test Day. With Roger, I passed BEC and AUD only watching his videos and reading the text and taking Notes (and when I take notes, I take screenshots of the Roger e-book and drag them into a Word Document, this way I see the image of his textbook in my notes, and not my sloppy handwriting, I never took any handwritten notes at all for the entire CPA texting experience), I didn't do any MCQs at home since I ran out of time since it takes me about an hour to watch a 10-minute video, and I only read at a pace of 4 pages an hour. After using both Roger and Becker over the past 2 years, I found the Roger videos to be more helpful and the Roger textbook is better laid out and broken down. It has been 19 months since I passed BEC with ROger, and I still have images in my head of COSO Risk Management text pages and stuff like that.


    Thank you so much everybody for sharing your methods of studying and support! I was devastated when I got my second score that was not even better from the previous attempt. I am slowly getting back to my study routine. I added Ninja audios to my studying. I am also referring to Ninja materials now for the concepts that were identified as my weakest areas. Becker has a lot of extra information in its lectures and sometimes I am loosing the main key points because of it. Notes usually does not work for me (at least for my other 3 sections. I just did non-stop MCQ). But I feel like I need to start taking them for BEC:( The concepts are all over the place and material does not stick. I hope third time's a charm for me!


    Praying for you :-). Another advice that I think may help is that I watched a video about a year ago that Jeff posted. He said something about skipping certain topics/areas hoping it won't show up on the exam is a bad idea and to be honest with yourself and just hammer out those section and leave nothing untouched (helped me). It's too bad that Becker is not working for you. Have you tried Roger? I agree @LittleTimmy. I am currently studying with Roger and though I will admit that his material didn't help with Reg, it has helped me thus far with the other sections. Ninja is just an excellent supplement with BEC because Ninja's MCQs have different question scenarios. If you having issues with any section and need hlep grasping some concepts, I don't mind sharing some of Roger's tips.

    Best of luck.


    I personally don't think there is anything wrong with just doing MCQ. I didn't get myself any textbook and only do MCQ and passed all sections. I think what you need to understand is “you don't necessary need to understand the material”, but do ask “why is the answer B”. If you recall the SAT exam, you will probably recall your teacher telling you “think like Americans”, “put yourself in the position of the person who wrote the questions, what could he think?” I must tell you, there's a different on “model answers” and “real life answers”. In case you have experienced it in work field yet, most people don't do what they are supposed to do… I think if you change your way of thinking, and stop getting mad at yourself for not getting it. It will work out fine. I was able to do this without a textbook, never take notes or audios, you can do it too! (Okay, I barely passed it, but I passed!)

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    JFKGY, when did you pass the exam? that's amazing, regardless. I passed FAR and AUD just by watching Wiley videos. I failed BEC doing tons of MCQs and watching videos. I spent way more hours for BEC than FAR and AUD combined. But then, I did not have my fur baby on my lap or table while studying for BEC–gone too soon. I will supplement with NINJA the 2nd time around.

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