BEC Exam–Where Did Those Questions Come From?? Any Similar Experiences?? - Page 2

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  • #184418

    SO…Monday I found out I failed BEC….not too much of a surprise, but what was more surprising was that I got a 73 (which irks me). The fact that I failed wasn’t a surprise because when I was sitting for the exam, I:

    1) checked to make sure I was taking BEC for the CPA exam. I was getting all sorts of questions that I had never seen in Becker. Granted, I only used becker…and yes, I am aware that sometimes BEC can be a crap shoot. But I was literally guessing on almost half of each testlet, not because I had recognized the information but didn’t know the answer, but because I had never seen it before!

    2) Contemplated walking out because I knew where this was going. Weeks of non-stop studying and now, non-stop guessing. Bonus was I knew all the WC’s, and I feel I am fairly strong in writing, so I think that went well. Still have yet to see a progress report.

    My question is, has anyone else gone through this? I feel like I was fairly prepared, maybe not for a 99, but at least prepared enough to make a 75 or better. I didn’t feel weak in any certain areas as I had in past exams.

    It is busy season after all, so that was my goal to begin with. Because of this I want to sit again in a few weeks, just doing a review of all the chapters similar to how I review a couple weeks before a normal CPA exam.

    Has anyone else had a similar situation and success in the retake?

    FAR 77
    REG 82
    BEC 73, 83
    AUD 59???, 87! DONE!

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  • #590453
    Determined CPA

    Thank you everyone for your advice. I'm starting ch2 today even though I'm not confident with ch1. I think I need to move on and just do as many mcqs as humanly possible.

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    I have taken BEC twice and I felt that same way coming out of both. A lot of those questions made me say WTF??? I felt fairly confident going in, but some of those questions seemed like they were from out of nowhere.


    @Determined CPA, I passed BEC on my first try with a 79. English is my second language so I know I have to do really well on MCQ to pass. I'm afraid that if i made any grammatical error (like using “on” instead of “in”), i would get no point for WC. My score report came out “Stronger” on MCQ and “Comparable” on WC. My advise is to really learn the concept. I used Wiley book and the Test Bank to study for BEC. I tested myself to evaluate my weak point and focused on it. I even read my Cost Accouting book from college to get better understanding/explanation about the concept. I'm sure you can do it 🙂 Good luck!

    BEC - 10/1/13 PASS
    REG - 12/6/13 PASS
    FAR - 1/21/14 PASS
    AUD - 2/27/14 PASS


    I am now a little less confident than before, but since I scheduled my exam for the 1st, I guess I will have to do my best and see what happens. Thanks for the input!

    FAR 77
    REG 82
    BEC 73, 83
    AUD 59???, 87! DONE!

    Determined CPA

    wrj02 – you can always push your exam back – $35 fee but might be worth it if you think you need more time.

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    Just wanted to update anyone who might need to retake BEC. I sat 2/17 (73) then again 4/1 (83)

    It can be done! Even working full time, 70 hour weeks.

    I also do believe the exams are somewhat the luck of the draw. The first one was completely random, and the second I felt most (not all) questions were relevant to what I had studied in Becker. During review, I did not feel I learned anything “new” rather than just kept the info fresh in my head until exam day. I did brush up on some things, though.

    Good luck to anyone out there in a similar situation!

    FAR 77
    REG 82
    BEC 73, 83
    AUD 59???, 87! DONE!


    I felt that way when I took the exam. I didn't what the hell I was being asked.

    I ended up getting a 78 with “Stronger” in the MCQs and “Weaker” in writing. I didn't fully complete the writing section.

    oh well.

    FAR 78
    REG 87
    BEC 78
    AUD 78
    Passed all exams on first try! Good luck to everyone!


    Kricket's video is awesome.


    I could have sworn I saw REG questions on there.


    Best advice I could give is if your review mentions a ratio, even just in passing, make you know it forwards and backwards. Every single ratio.

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    I have started my CPA journey with BEC, mostly because several people told me that was the “easiest” part. I watched the lectures, read the book and took my own notes only to realize that COST accounting is NOT easy (200 MCQ), chapter 3 (Finance) is definitely not user friendly and oh, did I mention the ratios?? However after studying for a month I felt good about taking it (maybe not 100% but good enough) so I went for it. After initial shock of seeing the “70” on the screen I reviewed the feedback and as many of you said, the WC saved me (well, allowed me to score 70 and not 50 or 10); all other parts I was evaluated as “weaker”. That being said, please don't take BEC for granted, it is as hard as the other 3 parts and should not be disregarded. I will be retaking it in July (after I took a looooong break after failing both BEC and REG) and this time BEC will have my whole attention. I'm gonna get you this time, you little monster!!!

    BEC - 70
    AUD - May 24
    REG - 69
    FAR - TBD


    My goodness, Kricket's video is so funny.

    I am waiting on BEC Score and while taking the exam I considered turning off the computer and walking out, but somehow I kept going. The core concept Becker emphasized on were not tested. I can honestly say I had to guess at least 20 questions. I will be pleasantly surprise if I get a passing grade tomorrow, but after reading the post above, I am hopeful again.

    Good luck everyone.

    FAR- 01/09/2015

    I Will NOT give up!!!

    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


    BEC spanked me in round one. It seems like all the study programs are missing something when it comes to BEC. For round two I'm going to buy ninja mcq since those are all past cpa exam questions instead of questions made up by Wiley, Becker, etc.


    I'm scared to death of score release. I took the test on May 6th and encountered more WTF type questions than seemed possible. I was positive prometric loaded the wrong exam!!!

    Hours left on this torturous wait.

    REG - Nov 4, 2013: 88
    FAR - Feb 27, 2014: 86
    AUD - April 5, 2014: 91
    BEC - May 6, 2014: 83

    Florida CPA 24 July 2014
    (Done in seven months - thank you Jesus!!)


    Ahhhhh BEC… the only test I've passed twice (so far). I felt like a lot of you the first time I took it – which was my very first CPA test in the summer of '11 – and I used Becker. I left the testing center numb, and told my family that there was no possible way I passed because I had never seen half the material. I'm a good guesser, apparently, but it would prove to be a moot point when I lost it last year. Anyway, I used Roger and WTB the 2nd time (Q2 2014). I may have gotten lucky, but I felt more prepared and like more topics had been covered. I completely guessed on about 4 questions total.

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