BEC Exam Q1 2017 Exam Experience

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  • #1448378

    I took BEC on 1/11. First testlet marked 8 questions, second testlet marked 10 questions, third testlet marked half of the testlet. Last time took it in Q4, 2nd/3rd testlets were easy (marked 4/5 questions), first testlet marked 8 questions and I failed with a 74. 2nd/3rd testlets this time 55% ?s are weird/not in becker/gleim/wiley/ninja. q3 2016 took bec as well, couldn’t tell testlets difference, marked 9 questions average on each testlet and got a 74.

    does that mean the questions were harder in 2nd/3rd testlet? i thought the questions were harder in 2nd/3rd testlet. any thoughts?

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  • #1448379

    Definitely a pass! I passed BEC on first try. Testelets became increasingly difficult. You will be pleasantly surprised on the 7th. Gl!


    I had a similar experience @cpastrivefor75

    Just praying and hoping for a miracle.


    I was so focused on the questions themselves I couldn't tell which way the difficulty was going. I think I expected it to be so much harder it seemed easier by comparison? I felt good coming out of the exam, but now feel like I probably failed… No way of knowing until Feb. 28th for me, so I am starting AUD on Monday!


    Felt the same. Had some really really weird curve ball IT questions.



    Had the same experience, had very few COSO & Econ and ALOT of IT questions 🙁 .

    Hoping for a miracle.


    mine, testlet 2/3, econ, IT, financial, all topics were rough questions/I felt never studied/not in becker/wiley/gleam/ninja. I don't remember any easy questions.


    here were all my experiences:

    FAR passed with 76: testlet 1 easy, testlet 2 hard, testlet 3 extremely easy, simulation (average).

    Reg 83: no comment. I'm a tax professional

    Aud 82: testlet 1 easy, 2/3 hard, sim easy.

    BEC a beast! 73 74 74


    i always get strong in writing in bec.


    Took my very first CPA exam BEC. Just don't know what to think of. Lots of tricky questions, especially the way worded it out. WCs were nothing like I saw in review book. All 3 topics were far from what I have seen in CPA review book. Just hope I pass.


    @cpastrivefor75 can you give me some tip on the writing part?


    Omg so I took bec in quarter 4 and failed with a 74. I thought I did well but the questions were easy I thought except for a few. This time around I saw questions and stuff that I have never seen before…I was like wtf. First test let was easy then got harder. Hoping they got harder cause I flagged quite a few and needed to calm myself down. Anyone else feel like they had a bunch of random stuff and passed?


    I just left the testing center a few hours ago.

    First testlet was obviously Med. I felt good about most of my answers…unsure on four. The second testlet was definetly Hard. I have never been able to tell when a testlet is Med or Hard, but this one I could tell. It took me nearly 45 mins to complete. The second testlet had answers that could be two( i remember on ? Was dependent on how i rounded ( or didn't). I chose to round 4 decimals. The third testlet seemed to be Med, but was really difficult to gauge.

    The WC were, well, one was exactly the same as last time I took BEC. I aced another, and the thirs WC was a weird topic.

    I can't add much to what people are saying they saw a lot on. I would say definetly know ALL the material.

    Hoping for a 75, so that I can finally finish this thing! Next up is ethics.


    I took it on Monday.

    Sure felt like a Medium, Hard, Hard. Hopefully that means a pass.


    Well I figure I would share my experience with BEC. Just took this guy yesterday. Unfortunately, I woke up feeling pretty sick and groggy which was disappointing. I was probably most worried about this test due to it being my last one, my deep hatred of economics and IT, and not having more time to study due to busy season.

    Test started out fine. I had read that many people felt BEC was least like ninja MCQs and/or other study materials. I was please to see several questions that looked familiar. I flagged 2 questions on the first testlet.

    2nd testlet seemed harder but still had some softball questions. Flagged 6.

    3rd testlet had several random questions that luckily I had learned back in school to get the right answer. Flagged 4.

    Written stuff seemed straight forward. I was familiar with the topics they gave me so that was nice.

    Overall, I felt like this test was easiest of the 4. Hopefully I don't end up eating my words. Hoping for a pass so I can be done with this beast.

    Good luck to all you BECers this quarter!


    Reading everyone's experiences has me worried. I told my husband I'm beginning to think I got all medium and just thought they were hard. I also had the version that was heavy on IT/COSO and light on calculations which was a fear of mine because I am very strong on anything calculation based but COSO was my weak area in studying. I also did not flag near as many as some are mentioning. I got through the first testlet with zero flagged and it felt pretty basic. I flagged 2 in the next and it felt more challenging but more on par with the difficulty I expected. The final testlet I flagged 5 and it definitely felt difficult. The WC seemed fine. Nothing I didn't understand and couldn't address, though may not have nailed the content, I didn't completely bomb it either. I'm just freaking out now because all the calculation problems were so basic. The only thing I did notice is the degree of critical thinking in sussing out the best answer became much higher in testlet 2 and 3 and that's why I felt it was more difficult. In the first testlet it would ask a straightforward question and there were basic choices to decide between. Testlet 2 and 3 were more probing into the concepts with more background and more choices that were harder to weed out the best choice.

    That said I know I got one formula question wrong for sure – could not remember it. The other questions I remembered, which were only a few, I did look up and I did get them right. So now it's just wait wait wait. What's sad is I'm going a bit nervy and it's just over a week. When I take REG it'll be months of waiting due to the exam change. 🙁

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