BEC Exam experience 2/11 how did I do?

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  • #1477227
    Journey to Fate

    Hi all,
    BEC finally happened on 2/11. For me it felt like testlets went easy-Med-hard.

    Only know of one question I definitely got wrong and plenty I felt super confident on. Probably marked 3-4 on 1st testlets. 5 on 2nd and about 6-7 on 3rd. The writing portion I finished just in time and usually score stronger on.


    BEC- 67, 69

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  • #1477338

    I took BEC today. I felt like the testlets were easier than when I tested in Dec of 2016. I got a 70. This was a retake. My written questions were all pretty simple. The IT questions were much less tricky this time around. I didn't see a lot of Economics, it was like missing from my exam I couldn't' believe it. Hoping the scores are actually released on Feb 23 and not the 28th!


    The first testlet in all CPA exams are always “medium” difficulty. From there, the next testlet depends how you do on the first “medium” difficulty testlet.

    I just took BEC on Feb 12. It's my last exam and I certainly hope I pass. I don't want to take the new version in Q2 and have to wait few months for score release. That sounds absolutely absurd and insane to me.

    I start full time work in Big 4 public accounting in Aug/Sept so I'd rather not have to worry about this test at all.

    However, I *think* my MC testlets went medium-HARD-probably medium. Just a wild guess. But I know for sure my second testlet got insanely difficult with lots of twists, tricks, longer questions, multiple steps, etc. Took me almost an hour I think. What really bothers me is that I missed an extremely easy question, after I looked back into the book after I left the testing center. I read it too fast and selected an answer way too fast because I started freaking out about the time. I'm pretty sure that was NOT a pretest question either because it was a straight forward one-liner and one word answer. (Also, I definitely flagged a lot more than you. But I usually flag anything that I want to just take a look at a second time too, even if I think it's probably right. There were about 1-2 that I had to completely guess on because I had no idea how to do it)

    Out of 24 questions each testlet, I think I read somewhere that there is like 5 pretest questions in each testlet? GEtting that one easy question that most likely isn't pretest is making me worry, lol. Especially since I don't think I did well on written communication. I have no issues writing complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. I just didn't really know what to write about other than what they gave in the main question.

    I think I am just freaking out. But that is usual after every exam. Sigh.


    @stephtoplinski Just curious, why would it be released on the 23rd instead of the 28th?

    Edit: Oh I see. I just checked on the AICPA blog and it does say score release is 23rd. But the email I got from NASBA/AICPA Exams Team says 28th.

    Ahh, which one is it? I am freaking out even more.


    I also had M, M, H. But when I went home, I realize I got couple of really REALLY easy questions wrong. WC were simple, but I am not a good writer so I just mentioned all the key words related to the topic. hoping for 75 on the 23rd. ughhhh


    mooseonloose, I wouldn't worry too much if you got a couple easy ones wrong. I know I got some ridiculously easy questions wrong and still passed with an 85. Testles were probably M H H (at least I thought the second was H, could have been M for all I know).


    I had mine today and I felt like first was easy, second harder and third harder. I flagged 0 for review in the first, 2 in the next and 5 in the final. I honestly don't know how to feel. The written section was fine. It just felt like the depth of understanding increased a lot for the 2nd and 3rd testlets. I told my friend who is taking this on March 10th that it was like the first testlet was just basic information. If you were familiar with the material you should've done well. After that, it was like they took the concepts and instead of saying ‘is the box square' asked ‘if the box had an existential crisis, would its therapist believe it is really a circle'.


    Thanks David, I feel a lot better, I'll find out in 10 days. yikes.

    Journey to Fate

    Not sure what to think as we approach the score release. Does anybody have days where they think they definitely
    Passed and other days you completely second guess yourself? So confused!!! Confident but not fully confident. Ahh!

    BEC- 67, 69


    If you think it was hard, that means you were answering questions of more weight which hopefully means you did well! I took mine in January 2017, had 7 days to study and skipped the last chapter of the BEC becker book and passed, and felt like it was really hard when taking it

    Journey to Fate

    How many MC can you miss but still pass? It's weird because I have times during the day where I'm so confident I passed then I realize there is a question I mixed up and think I failed. I feel good about getting stronger in writing I guess the question is if any of the qs i got wrong were pretest

    BEC- 67, 69


    Took BEC on Feb 13th. I've passed the first 3 exams consecutively using Yaeger/Wiley book (FAR 80 AUD 82 REG 81). I read every page. I have felt every time that Wiley overprepares you for the exam, that the actual questions are shorter and easier (not easy, just very noticeably easier)

    BEC seemed fairly straightforward. No compplex formulas, albeit one with a little equation manipulation. 2nd & 3rd testlets seemed a little more difficult, but mostly theory based and not that crazy. I know the theory verses practical questions vary by exam. One WC was a breeze if you studied a major concept, two were a little outside the box but 1 of these was obviously pretest (the breeze one is a concept that has been around a long time and tested regularly so it could not have been pretest)

    Anyone feel that the BEC really was not that bad overall ,or did I just overprepare with the Wileybook?


    Did the BEC ever test the economic theory like new Keynesian etc etc? Those were mentioned in Roger review but I don't recall seeing them in Ninja's


    Took the exam on the 11th, I felt like I Bs'ed the 3 parts.Written communication ain't pretty neither. Got a topic from FAR, omg!!

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