BEC exam awful experience

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  • #188221

    Hey Guys,

    I took my BEC exam about 9 days ago, and it was an overall disappointing experience.

    I walked into the exam feeling pretty well prepared. However, during the first testlet, I was drawing blanks on one subject I thought I knew well and did a ton of MCQs and reading on. Other than that, I was doing pretty well on the first testlet until the unthinkable occurred: My computer FROZE and started rebooting!

    Yes, I kid you not. My computer literally froze and automatically started rebooting. It was truly awful. The worst part is that by the time the proctors finally assisted me and brought me to another computer, I had lost over 10 minutes from my exam, which made me feel stressed and tense.

    When I got to the second testlet, I knew I was in trouble because the exam did not get noticeably harder like it did for my FAR exam; the difficulty level seemed to remain almost same. However, I think I performed AT LEAST decently on testlet 2. For the third testlet? The difficulty level seemed to remain the same again although I felt really confident about my answers in the third testlet.

    Another bad aspect of my experience is the fact that the very same subject I thought I knew well but was bombing on appeared on all three test lets. Isn’t that an indication that I was not mastering the subject via correct answers?

    Luckily, I feel very confident about two writing sims and “so-so” about the third.

    I am really hoping I passed, but I don’t feel very confident about it.. To me, the fact that the testlets didn’t seem to get noticeably harder, and the fact that the one subject I was BOMBING on kept reappearing in each testlet is a sign that I didn’t pass.

    I just keeping thinking “please, please, please!” let me get at least a 75 so I can be halfway through this beast! But unfortunatly I have to wait it out and study for AUD in the meantime.

    Thanks for listening everyone. Just writing my thoughts out has been GREAT therapy 🙂 Goodluck to everyone who tested this window!

    FAR - 87
    BEC - 89
    AUD - 90
    REG - 89

    Passed the CPA in May 2015!!!

    NINJA Audio - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, especially if you have a time consuming commute behind the wheel!!!!! This product was my secret weapon every time.
    Becker Self Study

    "If you get anything higher than a 75, you studied too hard. You should have had more fun!" - The great Dr. K

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  • Author
  • #600484

    Justin, I took BEC on 8.14.14 and I didn't think my test really got harder at all from testlet to testlet. I attributed it to being really well prepared and I didn't get many questions on my worst subject (IT)

    And the on the Sims, I'm felt pretty sure I did really well on the 1st one, pretty good on the second one and decent on the 3rd one. Altho on the 3rd one I knew there were 7 things and I could only remember 6 of them and one of the terms I used a similar word but not the actual word.

    I got an 87 last week on BEC so I think you probably did okay! Hope this helps you feel better while you wait for your score!

    BEC 8.14.14 - 87!
    FAR 1.8.15 - 89!
    REG 4.15.15 - 86!
    AUD 7.2.15 - 90!

    Application submitted 8.6.15
    Licensed CPA 8.19.15

    Benefit in living in a small state SD!


    If you know a subject, you will not perceive any difference in difficulty. I never noticed my FAR testlets getting harder, but I passed. For all you know, the subject you were BOMBING, you were actually getting correct on the test. Don't sweat it. People who think they failed pass, and people who think they passed fail.


    Hey thanks a lot @ShelahV and @Audit_This! Your responses made me feel better about the exam. I'll be sure to let you know in a couple weeks if I passed or not 🙂

    FAR - 87
    BEC - 89
    AUD - 90
    REG - 89

    Passed the CPA in May 2015!!!

    NINJA Audio - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, especially if you have a time consuming commute behind the wheel!!!!! This product was my secret weapon every time.
    Becker Self Study

    "If you get anything higher than a 75, you studied too hard. You should have had more fun!" - The great Dr. K


    I have been reading about how aweful the BEC exam is on the BEC experience forumns, and sometimes I forget that some of these people were not going into the exam nearly as prepared as I will be. Of the three that I passed only REG got noticablly more difficult. There was not one hard question in my AUD exam; instead there were several questions on material that I did not prepare well for(I got a 91). It looks like you are one of the people who well prepares for these exams and I think you will find many of your exams not to be overly hard. When you read these forumns just keep in mind that the 50% who fail this exam are well represented here(Its another71 not another99!). The people who are not prepared will feel the difficulty increase, and the overly prepared will not. The passing 50% have an all together different experience(so do the people scoring 87 on FAR). Well I should study so I can be 4 out of 4! Thanks for letting me know that BEC will not be as bad as they say!

    Passed all 4 exams in 2014!


    Holy #&%$! I did it. Thanks a lot again everyone for making me feel better!

    @Sir Study Alot

    Your response made my Dad and I crack up!

    FAR - 87
    BEC - 89
    AUD - 90
    REG - 89

    Passed the CPA in May 2015!!!

    NINJA Audio - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, especially if you have a time consuming commute behind the wheel!!!!! This product was my secret weapon every time.
    Becker Self Study

    "If you get anything higher than a 75, you studied too hard. You should have had more fun!" - The great Dr. K


    Congrats, Justin! That's a great score!

    It's amazing how some people feel they did poorly and then get a great score. And others, like me, feel confident that they did better than their mediocre score indicates. But, oh well, I guess it is the luck of the draw and some weird weighting algorithms. In the end, it's pass or fail. And I am still very grateful that I only have one more to go!

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