BEC 4th retake

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  • #3064323

    Hi Everyone, It’s me again. I retook BEC (my last exam) a week ago after 63& 73% twice. This time I covered all topics. I put Becker/Gliem on the side, and bought Roger, and finished it in 2 weeks, my average score was 80ish.

    During the exam I feel I didn’t guess much, maybe flagged 4 in the first testlet, another 4-5 in the 2nd one, mainly they were the same nonsense Mcq’s I saw in my previous exams and couldn’t find any explanation for.

    I am confident I did good on COSO, IT, I had many Mcq’s on these topics, same for financial management, cost accounting, but I had only a few Mcq’s on this ( I wish I had more… ) I did ok on Econ ( my main trouble) but not confident at all. One sim was brutal, long, did my best, not great, the rest were medium, and wrote enough on 2 WC and rushed the last one, so it was a little shorter.

    Do you think there’s a chance I passed? I don’t what else to do if I scored again 73 or 74 this time. Should I continue studying through the 8th? I tried to force myself & study but I feel sick studying BEC again for the 5th time!!!! I just really want this to be over, I am tired physically and mentally, and if I failed again I am not sure if I can lift myself up again and keep going, I barely did last time.

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  • #3064422

    If you did your due diligence, you shouldn't worry about it at all. Prepare some candles n food to celebrate on AUG 7!


    You were so close with the 73's, it sounds to me like you put yourself over the hump. It also sounds to me like you are burnt out and need a break. I suggest you give yourself a break and wait for your score in a few days. Please make sure to let us know how you did. Good luck, I'm crossing my fingers for you.


    74 💔


    Ughhhhhh, the dreaded 74! You are right there. Just make sure to not skip any areas when you are studying, as the exam somehow has radar to detect whatever area you don't know well and decides to hit it hard. “Mile wide, inch deep.” I think you will get it on this next one as long as you are true to yourself and improve on your weaker areas like Econ. Also work on time management, as you want to leave yourself enough time so that you don't have to rush WC and make a stupid mistake. You got this!


    Damn, you will definitely get it next time!!!


    I feel your pain… just got 74 on BEC. I'm going to retake it ASAP, hopefully next week. You should do the same, based on your scores you know the material very well, you got it, trust me.

    My scores:
    FAR – 73, 78
    AUD – 73, 81
    BEC – 71, 71, 74
    REG – 84


    Yeah you guys will definitely pass next time but wow 74? 1 point away from big celebration? I wouldve been hella ticked, just wow. Rebound quickly, go get it !



    My heart is so heavy and I feel defeated! ONE POINT???? my report is BS! I only had like 1 Mcq on operation mgmt. What's your retake plan this time? I don't know which course material I should use this time. Hoping to take it on the last day of the 8/25 score release window, only if my App ( we mail the App in CA) got processed early next week, otherwise, I will still take in 2 weeks (September 16 window).

    I. Corporate Governance (17–27%). – Stronger
    II. Economic Concepts and Analysis (17–27%) – Comparable
    III. Financial Management (11–21%) – Comparable
    IV. Information Technology (15–25%). – Stronger
    V. Operations Management (15–25%) – Weaker

    Multiple Choice (50%) – Stronger
    Simulation (35%) – Weaker
    Written Communication (15%) – Comparable


    Thanks, everyone. I feel defeated and my confidence, hope to pass is fading. This is my report, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, I only had like 1 Mcq on operation mgmt so not sure why this area is the only “Weaker”

    Should I hit all the Mcq's, or read first, or both? Which review course I should use this time? I used Becker, Gleim, Rogers, and slightly Ninja Mcq's bank. Thank you

    I. Corporate Governance (17–27%). – Stronger
    II. Economic Concepts and Analysis (17–27%) – Comparable
    III. Financial Management (11–21%) – Comparable
    IV. Information Technology (15–25%). – Stronger
    V. Operations Management (15–25%) – Weaker

    Multiple Choice (50%) – Stronger
    Simulation (35%) – Weaker
    Written Communication (15%) – Comparable


    One point is nothing, I'm 100% sure you can pass it. Forget about your report, just be honest with yourself and work on areas where you had problems.

    My plan: (hopefully I'll get my NTS on Thursday, I already mailed my app to CBA)

    1) Accept that you failed and start study again, otherwise you're wasting your time.
    2) I'm going to review everything within 6 days and work on my weak areas (Watch all the lectures 1.5 speed, then review AICPA MCQs).
    3) The night before the exam, I'm going to review my final notes with all calculations and mnemonics.
    4) Exam day (August 14th or 15th)

    I also have a problem with SIMs.
    My weak areas when it comes to SIMs (Financial Management, Variance Analysis, ECON).


    @AndreA Thanks! we GOT THIS. I am going to finish Becker's final review ( Lectures + Mcq's) in 2- 3 days then work on AICPA released questions, daily progress tests, and rewriting notes till the exam date. We will eventually pass and with excellent score.


    Sounds like a great plan, don't forget to post your passing score 🙂


    I highly recommend going through ALL of the AICPA released questions. And I know the studying for BEC is brutal because it's all over the place, but try to nail down all of the chapters, with an emphasis on COSO, Econ, and IT. With the SIMS, look through each of them when you get to the testlet and get the easy points first (i.e. start with the easy ones that you know and do the hard ones last). For WC, make sure to use buzz words even if you don't know much about the topic, and restate the question in your answer.

    What really helped me studying for BEC was doing the practice exams on Becker (only about 10 MCQ at a time) so that it mixed up the chapters and really forced me to learn the different topics. When I studied for BEC, I focused most of my time nailing the concepts and the MCQs, because I realized that as long as i am familiar with the topic and can do well on the MCQs, I could scrounge for points on whatever SIM was thrown at me.

    Good luck, you've got this!!!


    @AndreA were you able to schedule your appointment? I got my NTS this morning but unfortunately, no available seats for tmw :/ looks like Prometric doesn't allow next day appointments.


    @AndreA I actually called the scheduling line & they were able to find an appointment for tmw!!can't believe it! back to reviewing

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