Worst Idea- Audit test tomorrow

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  • #189167

    this morning I woke up and hammered AUD ninja mcq. I then had the brilliant idea to do a question set of 30 questions that I’ve been struggling with. Now my confidence shattered, trying to tell myself its better to see it now then struggle tomorrow, but I just cant shake it =(( I feel like I dont know enough now…what should i doooo

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  • #611985

    To go all Taylor Swift on you “Shake it off, shake it off”

    Just tell yourself that these are the beta questions, and if you get them, fine, if you don't – then you're telling the AICPA that they need to throw them out.

    Don't psych yourself out – psych yourself up!!!


    First, you gotta relax. Look at these questions you didn't answer correctly as a blessing in disguise. THIS is the material you need to work on. So grab a notebook, open the book up, and start going over those topics. Once you've nailed them down, keep the MCQs rolling and doing the same thing.

    Good luck!!

    You've passed REG, you can do this.

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee


    Good Luck tomorrow LilEngine! I'm sure you will do fine. Let us all know how it goes.

    FAR - 46, 79 (7/8/14)
    AUD - 56, 59, 2/23/15 3rd times a charm!
    BEC - 69, 74 Really??
    REG - April, I hope. Fingers crossed!


    thanks @tarheelgirl! I will! thanks for the advice youve given me super helpful!


    I felt the SAME way for FAR, but on the test I had three questions VERY similar to the ones I missed in a session like yours. You can't shy away from your weaknesses, doing the questions you are strong at accomplishes nothing.


    What sections are you having trouble with?

    Only you know your weaknesses, and you should attack them while you still have time.

    I just took AUD and my biggest advice is to utilize the authoritative language database on the simulation. If you have Becker, the DB in that is very similar to the test. 5 of my 7 sims, I was able to find some type of help from the AL. And even for 1 of the sims, I found the answer Word-for-word on it.

    Best of luck!

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