Worried about AUD MCQs

  • This topic has 9 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1691905

    I’m having a hard time with AUD MCQs. They are all so wordy and confusing, I can hardly figure out what it’s asking. Then all the choices seem correct. Besides more practice, which I know I need to do, are there any tips on strategy or anything that you could help me out with? I haven’t practiced them much because they just leave me more confused than before. So far I’ve only done about 635 in Roger, not even half, and my recorded average score is 87%, but that’s SUPER inflated because I usually hit “Try Again” and pick the correct one so I can read the correct explanation. My actual is probably closer to 50. Any advice please?

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  • #1691924

    Best bet is to take lots of notes while you're doing the questions, focus on why you got them wrong. I would pull key phrases and words that tripped me up and type in all caps “WATCH OUT FOR THIS” in my notes. Make sure it clicks when you revisit those questions and that you're not just searching for the correct answer out of repetition. Good luck!


    I personally think the key to AUD is knowing which answers are wrong and why more than which answer is right because typically more than one can be “theoretically right” but in actuality there is only one that is more right than all the others. That being said- what I did when working through the MCQs was literally right down A is wrong because xyz, B is wrong because XYZ, C is correct because of XYZ etc… this not only really helped me learn the concepts but understand what the MCQs were looking for. It was a total pain in the ass but…isnt this entire thing 🙂


    and they ask me why I drink...

    FAR- 61-next time I'll ask for lube instead of a calculator
    REG-75- Never been so happy to see such a low grade
    BEC- 8/11
    AUD- 9/2


    Repetition and note-taking were key for me with Aud. I agree with the others- keep pounding and write everything down.

    After about the 10,000th time, everthing will click. (kinda kidding but kinda not lol) Good luck!

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    Hey, my advice on this is when you get answers wrong then flag them or let it go wrong and don't “TRY AGAIN” and correct them in Roger. then you will get the right score and you can revisit your incorrect questions again.


    Keep doing MCQs, over and over and over, and read why the answers are right/wrong. Also very important imo, do NOT answer it right if you don't know it. After you've gone through the questions and you feel good with a lot of them, select to be asked only questions that you previously answered wrong. This way you're getting the questions that you struggled at, without wasting time on ones you know. Imo, that's a huge help.


    Roger gives you the answer/explanation for both correct and incorrect.
    You do not need to do try again to see the explanation for the correct answer…?

    The most important thing that helped me in AUD was to read the answers, and kick out 2 of them immediately.
    Then reread the 2 that are left and try to narrow it down to the best one.
    If neither of those 2 strike you as the best, pick one and move along.


    @ReckedRacing I agree 1000%. Using the process of elimination on the actual exam helped me tremendously. I would definitely recommend this method on the mcq.


    @HT415 Agreed. I can normally eliminate 2 answers off the bat and then drill down into the details of the other 2 potential answers from there. While I haven't passed AUD (yet), my MCQ have usually indicated “stronger” on my score report and this strategy has helped.


    If you can do the Roger ones, you can do the ones on the exam. I know what you mean though, my average on them was probably about 50% because my average number of tries per question was always about 1.5. I found myself guessing on the exam MCQ. I think I got a hard 2nd testlet (was there a third testlet? I can't remember.) I didn't do as well on those as I did on the SIMs.
    Keep grinding on the MCQs…635 is good but aren't there like 1,700 in each of Roger's sections?

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