Why is my average trending score so low?

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  • #190204

    How come for almost each of the categories, the average trending score is less than the average score? And how can I improve upon this?

    Category Description Average Score Average Trending Score Total Time Average Time

    1 Auditing and Attestation: Engagement Acceptance… 67% 72% 1:31 0:03:15

    2 Auditing and Attestation: Understanding the Ent… 54% 49% 1:45 0:03:12

    3 Auditing and Attestation: Performing Audit Proc… 51% 24% 4:38 0:04:05

    4 Auditing and Attestation: Evaluating Audit Find… 50% 56% 3:48 0:05:26

    5 Accounting and Review Services Engagements 66% 67% 2:35 0:04:42

    6 Professional Responsibilities 64% 58% 1:27 0:03:06

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