Why did AUD seem too easy?

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    I took AUD today and I kept wanting to slap myself. Majory of the MC I had to answer were either identical, exactly the same, or similiar in nature to practice MC from Becker’s study material. I never really felt that challenged during the exam. Should I be worried or something? The testlets got somewhat more harder but I felt like I knew most of the answers right away. I’m used to almost breaking Prometric’s pencils in frustration after leaving FAR and REG! Even the simulations (where I struggle the most) were pretty straight forward. I used the reasearch tab to confirm many answers as well.

    Anyone else think AUD was pretty easy??

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  • #255168

    AUD is easy if you know the material and how to spot the “best” answer since it is mostly word games. Many here finished AUD with a lot of time to spare as well.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I thought AUD was pretty easy. I flew through it super quick and I was fine 🙂 so you probably are too!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    I hope so! We'll see I guess. I'll probably fall of my chair if I find out I failed. I had so much time to spare so I wrote really strong memos, etc.


    I had two basically identical questions… back to back nonetheless.

    I finished with an hour to spare, could have finished with another hour to spare honestly. Well, a half an hour less comfortably. Compared to FAR which I was down to the wire and barely got through last SIM (just did writing and overwhelmed myself trying pieces of the different tabs) because ran out of time.

    I have no idea why they give you so long for AUD. You either know the answer or you don't. They are reducing the time for 2011, but should be giving the 30 minutes to FAR. That test is way too short on time IMO.


    This is giving me a confidence boost for my AUD exam next month

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I thought the same thing about my simulations on my AUD exam….It just seemed like it was too easy and thought that I had to have screwed something up because the answers couldn't have been that easy. I ended up getting a 91….goes to show you that you never know.


    I agree with FAR… even REG is tough to finish in 3 hrs. AUD does not need 4 1/2 hrs.


    AUD to me was the easiest of all four and I ended up scoring the highest (93) on it. Both MCQs and simulations were very straightforward and I finished with plenty of time to spare.


    I thought AUD was by far the easiest exam. I agree the 4.5 hours seems unnecessary. I finished the exam with 1.5 hours of time left and that was after spending an excessive amount of time on the written communications. Compared to FAR where I had to go to the last minute, AUD was much more manageable for me.

    FAR - 7/7/10 - 94
    BEC - 7/24/10 - 77
    AUD - 8/17/10 - 97
    REG - 8/31/10 - 80


    I hope the test that I get for my retake is like yours and mirrors the Becker questions. I did all the MCQs last time, except for the simulations. I ended up with a 73, but I didn't feel like I knew the information very well either. I am taking the test on November 22nd and will begin to study the October 29th the day after my FAR exam. I know I was pretty close to passing last time, but I feel like I need to put in probably around 60 or 70 hours, because I do not feel like I grasp the information. I didn't like this class in college & I didn't like reviewing it either, but I guess I'll just have to buckle down and learn the stuff to the best of my ability.

    BEC 7/20/10 88 (90 hours)
    AUD 8/27/10 73 (65 hours), retake 11/22/10 81 (75 hours)
    FAR 10/28/10 80 (157 hours)
    REG 1/7/10 extended to 1/17/10 78 (130 hours) I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hey Becks, I'm interested in hearing how you felt after your FAR exam today! I took it too! Please email me corag3@comcast.net. Thanks


    I just took audit today. I felt like the exam was pretty easy. I know some people mention if you are doing well the testlets get harder? I didn't feel like they got any harder – is that a bad sign?



    I didn't think my testlets got much harder either for AUD so I wouldn't worry about it. I remember for REG, I didn't think there was much of a difference between testlets either. However for FAR, I noticed it night and day from the first testlet to the second.


    I took AUD yesterday. I didn't come out of the test center feeling bad or good about the test. I felt like the last MC testlet was more difficult than the first one though. I also had ALOT of extra time at the end of the exam but after reading everyone's responses, it makes me feel a little better and that maybe I didn't totally bomb the exam 🙂



    Even though I got a 76 only, I thought AUD was the easiest. I think the reason why I got a 76 was I didn't study as much as the other three. I didn't have any motivations when preparing/taking AUD after knowing that I failed FAR. I was going to reschedule AUD but my NTS was going to expired in 2 weeks, so might as well take it.

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