What is the best way to tackle the transaction cycles questions in the AUD exam?

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  • #194033

    Can someone who took and passed AUD with Becker tell me of his/her approach to mastering the transaction cycles and assertions? Is this topic heavily tested anyway? I’m working on the HW questions now for the first time (after going thru all the lectures) and I feel that many of the responses are the same with a little twist on them :/

    REG - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    "Faith can move mountains. There's nothing impossible for God"

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  • #665648

    Definitely know the cycles, the parts of them and the assertions that need to be tested with regards to each. This is a key part of the exam and the whole audit process.

    So for example, know the revenue cycle, each steps, the accounts that are part of those steps and the tests you would perform on those accounts as well as the assertions.

    As for my approach, it helped to be an auditor for work, because I was able to think about what we do as far as tests, but if you do not have that experience, definitely read the becker materials in detail and perhaps try to mock up an example of the testing so that you understand what you are doing and why. For example start with cash and identify the key financial statement assertions.


    To determine that all cash transactions and account balances are recorded.

    Occurrence and cutoff

    To determine that all cash transactions occurring during the period have been recordedand in the proper period.

    Valuation, accuracy, and classifications

    To determine that all cash and related accounts have been included in the financial statements at accurate amounts, classified properly.


    To determine that all recorded cash accounts exist at the BS date.

    Disclosure and Presentation

    To determine that all components of the financial statements and other transactions and events are accurately classified.

    As an example for existence you could use a bank supporting document to test that assertion, or for petty cash you would do a recount.

    For disclosure you would look to restrictions on the cash or reasons why it would have to be reclassified instead of just being considered normal cash.


    BEC 87 Feb 14
    REG 84 Apr 14
    FAR 82 Nov 14
    AUD 86 Feb 15



    Thank you soo much for your advice!! Do you think that I could use the following as a memorization aid and starting point since it applies to all of the account balances, transactions and disclosures of all the cycles:

    Account balances: CVER applies (Completeness, Valuation, allocation, accuracy, Existence, and Rights and obligations)

    Transactions: COVEU applies(Completeness, cutOff, Valuation, allocation, accuracy, Existence, and Understandability)

    Disclosures: CVRU applies (Completeness, Valuation, Rights and obligations, and Understandability)

    REG - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    "Faith can move mountains. There's nothing impossible for God"


    I agree, having the work experience makes such a difference in understanding the various facets of this topic.

    AUD // F x2 P 92- (Test server crashed! It really does happen!)
    REG // F, F, F, P - 75 Aug 2014
    BEC // P - 80
    FAR // F, F...now its time for my greatest trick yet.
    Ethics // Very.

    75 to stay alive


    I had one question on this topic on my exam…and it was stupid easy…my friend said she had a lot the first time and a good amount the second. Luck of the draw! Only section I scored poorly on in the HW…50% the first time through and 60s the second time through lol..I was 85+ on everything else though.

    REG 77 Feb14
    BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
    FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
    AUD 89 Feb15

    *Exited exam after first testlet
    **Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    I take AUD in two weeks, but i also want to add that you will need to know Journal Entries too. I'm currently working on and studying the SIMS and some will require your to know Journal Entries and what accounts may be effected.


    My JEs were pretty general (I've been in Financial accounting since 2008), however, I have heard others say they can take any FAR topic, like hedging, revenue recognition ect, and throw it in an Audit sim and ask you what JE's to do, if any, to list as a proposed entry to management. This obviously requires you to know the GAAP treatment for revenue or hedging and what the accountant should've booked.

    REG 77 Feb14
    BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
    FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
    AUD 89 Feb15

    *Exited exam after first testlet
    **Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    I'm planning on tackling the Sims as soon as I'm done with all the HW questions (missing approx. 600), and so far I've gotten high 80's and 90's in the HWs…until now when I barely reached 75 on the transaction cycles MCQ's :/

    …how prepared do you feel for this test? I'm also taking mine in less than two weeks…

    REG - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    "Faith can move mountains. There's nothing impossible for God"

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