What are your plans after the CPA exam?

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  • #158329

    One exam left – AUD on 8/30.

    Really curious what everyone is looking forward to after life without studying for the CPA exam?

    I currently work in industry at a amedical software company (a subsidiary of a fortune 500 company) after 2 1/2 years experience at a regional public accounting firm. I plan to pursue a six sigma certitication followed by the CMA exam. Afterwards, I’m hoping my resume will be solid enough for get into a top masters of accountancy program that will lead into a PhD program.

    Anyone else?!

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  • #235129

    Well I am just starting my CPA exam experience, but I currently work for a publically traded company in the tax department. After I am done with the CPA exam I plan to take a 6ish month break and then go for my MBA, which I plan to follow with a Masters in Taxation. The order may change, but that it the goal!! I see that you are just as ambitious, nice to see im not the only “crazy” one šŸ™‚

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    You are both crazy. I plan on getting my first professional experience over the next 2-3 years. I may try to get my MBA after that. It would be nice to one day teach this stuff as a professor. Seems like a really easy job.


    Cardfan same here. I plan to go for my PhD, I already have a Master's but its in Interdisciplinary Studies as I had no idea if I wanted to do HR, Accting, Finance, etc… But I would like to be a professor, I like the hours and the summers šŸ™‚


    Geez, you all are more ambitious than me at this point. I am waiting on my last score and if all goes well, I will be done with this thing forever. I currently work at a small CPA firm in small town in Kansas and love it. I will be taking a break from testing for a while and then I may consider taking my CFP, since I am also qualified for that exam. In the near future, however, I will be planning a wedding and getting married next June, since the boyfriend…oh wait…fiance proposed on Saturday…Good luck to everyone…this exam is a pain…


    My job encourages the CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) but I don't know yet if I'm going to go for it. I'd like to take the GMAT though because I want to get my MBA at some point in life or maybe a JD. For now, I just want to be done with the CPA and maybe, just maybe see if I have any juice left this year. I will definitely not pursue a MS in accounting or a PhD.

    @KSgirl86- Congrats!


    big shot cpa – thanks!

    I know the feeling about if you have any juice left. I am beat with this exam. At least I guess if I have to retake AUD it is AUD and not FAR. Ick!!! Dear Lord, please help me to not have to retake AUD. I want my life back! AMEN! LOL


    I am Done.

    ACCA (London - CPA)

    BEC(4/17)-90, REG(5/28)-88, AUD (7/11)-83, FAR (8/31)- 90


    Trevor – My friend is pursuing a masters of Tax currently and will be graduating this December. She really loves it. I believe they have joint MBA and masters of tax programs out there, right?

    KSgirl86 – Congrats on the engagement! Just got engaged myself as well. I asked my girlfriend of four years about a month ago. An colleague of mine owns a local public accounting firm and is a CPA and CFP. Really a powerful combo for small-to-median size business owners.

    CardFanCPA – I partially agree with you. Being a professor has its perks; however, it is what you make of it. Getting into Dept Chair positions, as well as going heavy into research and/or publishing, can be demanding careers (although not as demanding as high-paying position in industry…not as stressful or well-paying either). I believe though, it offers the best of both worlds. Good salary, pension (if at a state univeristy), great work-life balance, etc.


    Golf…lots of Golf!!!!


    @Shed, I am unaware of them if they do exist. I am interested to learn more though. email me at tmarsha21@gmail.com if you have some more info!

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    SLEEP! And I am looking forward to spending more time with my wife and kids again. We all know how hard it is on us to get through this exam, but I know it takes its toll on them as well. I also know that without their support, there is no way that I could have ever even have tried to do this process! I think I will have to take my wife for a quiet, romantic weekend down in the keys or something, no kids, no books, no flashcards, just us!!!


    What will I do after the exams are done? Wow, the list could go on forever…….primarily, take my wife on vacation and buy her some jewelry for putting up with this crap for a year!

    Also, working out more, fishing, golfing, house work, yard work, buying a DVR/blu-ray player…….anything and everything. It's amazing how fun yardwork sounds when your studying IT.

    FAR-75, BEC-80, AUD-85, REG-79
    Gleim Review


    It's amazing how fun yardwork sounds when your studying IT.


    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I can't wait till I'm done with these exams (just started lol) and start up on drum lessons.

    Dreaming to form a family band šŸ™‚

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