Walking the AUD Green Mile 04/03/16

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  • #200939

    I have a question regarding study strategy for those who have passed Audit. This is my 2nd retake as I have previously scored 62 and 73. My homework scores per section with Becker seemed to average mid 60’s- low 70’s.

    I am currently starting to get into Progress Test MCQ’s and my scores havent improved. And I took the weekend to re-review and take notes from my weakest chapters tested on 3/18/16. In doing 75 MCQs 3/18/16 and 60 MCQ’s 3/21/16 my scores are

    3/18/16 3/21/16

    Test1 67 63

    Test 2 80 80

    Test 3 73 60

    Test 4 80 67

    Test 5 60

    Some of my issue seems to be in reading the question, but most errors seem like they are in judgement or remembering the facts correctly.

    My question is how should I proceed in attempting to strengthen my weak areas to improve my scores? Should I stop testing all 6 sections and go back review the weak section 10-15 MCQ’s at time or what?

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  • #769675

    Wanna_B_TXCPA2014, do not waste your valuable time with Becker. You seem to be going in the wrong direction. I think Audit is the only part of the exam where if you dont understand the logic behind Audit, you won't pass. This is the reason why you see people getting their highest scores in Audit or other people taking the same part 5 times. Do yourself a favor, and get Roger. He kind of sucks for BEC, but he is the guru for Audit. I heard he is great for Reg too.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    Thanks Martin but we've reached the point of no return. I've read stories where it seems like people on here have pulled out some magic. I was so close last time and they screwed me with that 73. I know there has to be something that I need to change in my approach to get those last few pts. Its driving me nuts because literally I've been so close with FAR and AUD. 73's on both exams at the end of last yr. Im getting sick of giving the AICPA and CPA prep course money. I know there has to be a way for me to pass with Becker because so many others have.


    Wanna_B_TXCPA2014, you will eventually pass the other parts with Becker, and if you add ninja questions, you will also increase your chances, but I have seen so many people taking audit 4 to 5 times and always with scores of 71 to 74 (they stay in that range after several tries). The other parts are different; you usually go up in points on your second or third try,but not with Audit. Try eBay, or get at least his cram course, your Becker test scores are just too low, and you will increase them by memorization, but I think you need to understand Audit. I don't think to roger that great with Bec, but believe me, he will make you understand Audit. Good luck.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75



    Keep this in mind: The actual CPA AUD exam will differ from Becker in that the questions will be more straightforward in structure, but choosing the top answer will be more difficult than Becker.

    I also bought all 4 sections of Becker, so am stuck with it. My biggest complaint was that Tim Gearty is quite a good instructor for REG and FAR, but not so good with AUD. I had an ahhh haa moment when I got the Becker “final” review. The instructor was a real audit guy and explained things much more concisely. Even though I would consider supplementing with one of the others like NINJA, I have learned things in a certain order and like you, don't want another textbook.

    Funny, I actually scored much lower on the actual AUD exam than my final exam with Becker. Normally the opposite occurs.

    If I were you I would review 1-6 again, maybe spend a day on each. You will pick up more on each chapter your 2nd and 3rd time around. I passed AUD the first time with Becker, but I had just finished 2 graduate level Audit classes. I thought I should have done better than 80. Don't do MCQs like a machine gun rapid fire, understand the concepts.

    Overall, the problem with Becker and AUD is that they have you going so deep down these rabbit holes that never even come up on the exam that you have no time to go over what will certainly be tested. All that crap that they insisted would be on my exam was no where to be found….Anyway. Know the concepts and you will pass.

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    I am doing Becker and studying for AUD as well. I'm reading the book as I do the MCQ's and the Sims, and I'm scoring in the 80's-90's on the homework. Would you suggest me continue with this strategy?

    I know that I won't have the book come exam time, but I find that as similar questions come up during the homeworks, I am able to answer them without the book and fairly quickly.

    I am a little nervous that I am not studying the right way. Please let me know if this strategy has worked for you guys in the past.

    FAR - (8/20) 70, (10/28) 72, (2/22) 76
    REG - (6/8) 69...
    BEC - (11/18) 77
    AUD - (4/14) 72...

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