Time to get ANGRY… - Page 4

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  • #180306

    Got my score for my AUD re-take. ANOTHER 72! (would have been cooler to get two 71s to be true to this site haha). Needless to say, I’m confused and PISSED. I took 6 weeks to re-study and felt good about my retake. I didn’t have the best luck with SIMs this time around though. My first time I was able to find 4 of the 7 almost word-for-word in the AL but not this time so that may have hurt me a little bit. But I already have a tentative re-test date. Just have to wait 48 hours to apply for another NTS and spend another $200+ for application and exam fees (ridiculous!)

    This is my 3rd failure of this exam and I am finally angry with this darn test. I’m ready to do what I should have been doing all along: no time for fun, no TV, getting up early and staying up late to study, and anything and everything else that I need to do to pass AUD and then REG and BEC after. I already passed FAR so I’m sure I can pass my other 3!

    I WILL be a CPA. This test WILL NOT break me. I’m coming for you AUD, you better be ready on 10/6!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."

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  • #530742

    72 on FAR! That is coming off a 72 on REG! I'm so angry right now! (These were both retakes but improved both scores by more than 5 points.)

    ***QUESTION FOR ALL OF YOU???? I have been using CPAExcel, 10 point combo and Wiley testbank. Is it worth it at this point to invest in one of the final review programs from Becker, Bisk, etc.? I feel that I am just on the cusp and don't want to deal with losing any credit.

    AUD- 81 (lose credit in January 2014)

    BEC- 77 (lose credit in February 2014)

    Thank you all!


    72 on FAR! That is coming off a 72 on REG! I'm so angry right now! (These were both retakes but improved both scores by more than 5 points.)

    ***QUESTION FOR ALL OF YOU???? I have been using CPAExcel, 10 point combo and Wiley testbank. Is it worth it at this point to invest in one of the final review programs from Becker, Bisk, etc.? I feel that I am just on the cusp and don't want to deal with losing any credit.

    AUD- 81 (lose credit in January 2014)

    BEC- 77 (lose credit in February 2014)

    Thank you all!


    I'm waiting on the results of my Audit exam in Texas. This was not my first (or second, ugh) time dealing with Audit, and I'm not sure it was my last. I spent way, way, way more time studying this time than I did in the past, but I still don't have a good feeling about it. Those stupid FAR sims… I could kill them. 🙁

    I'm trying to be positive as I wait for my fate, but I can't help but feeling that I'm also setting myself up for another disappointment. It's inspiring to see you all pick yourselves up, dust yourselves off and try again. Because it can happen, and it will happen, for all of us if we don't quit. And I don't see any quitters here!

    Good luck to everyone getting back on the horse. The exam should be scared of us all. We're out for blood.


    DONE. 🙂


    I'm waiting on the results of my Audit exam in Texas. This was not my first (or second, ugh) time dealing with Audit, and I'm not sure it was my last. I spent way, way, way more time studying this time than I did in the past, but I still don't have a good feeling about it. Those stupid FAR sims… I could kill them. 🙁

    I'm trying to be positive as I wait for my fate, but I can't help but feeling that I'm also setting myself up for another disappointment. It's inspiring to see you all pick yourselves up, dust yourselves off and try again. Because it can happen, and it will happen, for all of us if we don't quit. And I don't see any quitters here!

    Good luck to everyone getting back on the horse. The exam should be scared of us all. We're out for blood.


    DONE. 🙂


    I'm angry… I thought i was going to get 90s at least… and the simulations.. i really think I murdered it… the 2 research questions.. i got it word for word… #SMDMFH… does state board ever make mistakes??? i want to challlenge them, but they said it cost $200.. that's BS…


    I'm angry… I thought i was going to get 90s at least… and the simulations.. i really think I murdered it… the 2 research questions.. i got it word for word… #SMDMFH… does state board ever make mistakes??? i want to challlenge them, but they said it cost $200.. that's BS…


    @Curious Dude since we agreed to their terms and conditions, basically they are Gods (NASBA, AICPA and Prometric) so whatever they say goes. They are the only ones who can determine who passes who fails. Only a few people have fought them and won and we never hear about those warriors because they probably signed a confidentiality clause. And most of us don't even bother because you will hit a brick wall at every turn. Last time I thought I passed Audit and I failed this time I passed. And I know the number of questions I answered incorrectly and my answers to my simulations were bogus but apparently they were right.

    Someone how I feel my complaining from last time helped me pass this time around. So you never know. we are at their mercy.

    They will always we will investigate and never get back to you. Or if they do get back to “Everything is fine, nothing was out of the ordinary.”


    @Curious Dude since we agreed to their terms and conditions, basically they are Gods (NASBA, AICPA and Prometric) so whatever they say goes. They are the only ones who can determine who passes who fails. Only a few people have fought them and won and we never hear about those warriors because they probably signed a confidentiality clause. And most of us don't even bother because you will hit a brick wall at every turn. Last time I thought I passed Audit and I failed this time I passed. And I know the number of questions I answered incorrectly and my answers to my simulations were bogus but apparently they were right.

    Someone how I feel my complaining from last time helped me pass this time around. So you never know. we are at their mercy.

    They will always we will investigate and never get back to you. Or if they do get back to “Everything is fine, nothing was out of the ordinary.”


    Well, I finally got my Audit score back… close but no cigar. Again. And I'm happy to say that ANGER was my first reaction. I'm done letting this thing beat me. It will NOT happen again.


    DONE. 🙂


    Well, I finally got my Audit score back… close but no cigar. Again. And I'm happy to say that ANGER was my first reaction. I'm done letting this thing beat me. It will NOT happen again.


    DONE. 🙂


    @mcfly, sorry to hear about your score! But let's murder AUD next testing window! Make that exam feel our wrath!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."


    @mcfly, sorry to hear about your score! But let's murder AUD next testing window! Make that exam feel our wrath!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."


    FAR will be feeling some wrath and pain in October as well!!!


    FAR will be feeling some wrath and pain in October as well!!!

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