Time to get ANGRY… - Page 18

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  • #180306

    Got my score for my AUD re-take. ANOTHER 72! (would have been cooler to get two 71s to be true to this site haha). Needless to say, I’m confused and PISSED. I took 6 weeks to re-study and felt good about my retake. I didn’t have the best luck with SIMs this time around though. My first time I was able to find 4 of the 7 almost word-for-word in the AL but not this time so that may have hurt me a little bit. But I already have a tentative re-test date. Just have to wait 48 hours to apply for another NTS and spend another $200+ for application and exam fees (ridiculous!)

    This is my 3rd failure of this exam and I am finally angry with this darn test. I’m ready to do what I should have been doing all along: no time for fun, no TV, getting up early and staying up late to study, and anything and everything else that I need to do to pass AUD and then REG and BEC after. I already passed FAR so I’m sure I can pass my other 3!

    I WILL be a CPA. This test WILL NOT break me. I’m coming for you AUD, you better be ready on 10/6!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."

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  • #530950

    Oh, wow! You've been through a lot already and have a full plate. But I agree that you should do what you did with FAR for every other section. I basically did the same thing and it worked for my last 3 passing scores! I believe in you! Let me know if I can help you at all in your future studying 🙂

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."


    @KKimi, yes I just clicked your username here and it sent me to your LinkedIn profile.

    Now I'm angry because it requires me to upgrade and pay so I will be able to connect with you at LinkedIn. LOL


    @KKimi, yes I just clicked your username here and it sent me to your LinkedIn profile.

    Now I'm angry because it requires me to upgrade and pay so I will be able to connect with you at LinkedIn. LOL

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