Time to get ANGRY… - Page 17

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  • #180306

    Got my score for my AUD re-take. ANOTHER 72! (would have been cooler to get two 71s to be true to this site haha). Needless to say, I’m confused and PISSED. I took 6 weeks to re-study and felt good about my retake. I didn’t have the best luck with SIMs this time around though. My first time I was able to find 4 of the 7 almost word-for-word in the AL but not this time so that may have hurt me a little bit. But I already have a tentative re-test date. Just have to wait 48 hours to apply for another NTS and spend another $200+ for application and exam fees (ridiculous!)

    This is my 3rd failure of this exam and I am finally angry with this darn test. I’m ready to do what I should have been doing all along: no time for fun, no TV, getting up early and staying up late to study, and anything and everything else that I need to do to pass AUD and then REG and BEC after. I already passed FAR so I’m sure I can pass my other 3!

    I WILL be a CPA. This test WILL NOT break me. I’m coming for you AUD, you better be ready on 10/6!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."

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  • #530913

    Thanks again K_Reib.

    I just renewed my Becker software last Monday. My 2012 software expires in May. It has been outdated so I thought 2014 version would of great help.

    I also have

    10-Point NINJA Combo

    2013 Wiley FAR Textbook

    2013 Becker Final Review in PDF

    Gosh, my materials are handful.

    All I lack is self-discipline:(


    Thanks again K_Reib.

    I just renewed my Becker software last Monday. My 2012 software expires in May. It has been outdated so I thought 2014 version would of great help.

    I also have

    10-Point NINJA Combo

    2013 Wiley FAR Textbook

    2013 Becker Final Review in PDF

    Gosh, my materials are handful.

    All I lack is self-discipline:(


    Amor D…I am really sorry about your recent score results. I was looking for you on Monday to see how you did. At first I saw that 75 you got on AUD and I got excited that you passed…but then I realized it wasn't FAR. If you ever need any advice or just some motivation please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. You can click on my username and if you have LinkedIn, you can try and reach me through there.

    REG - 2/27/2013 - 78!!!!
    AUD - 5/17/2013 - 72...Retake July 12th - 79!!!!
    BEC - 8/29/2013 - 77!!!!
    FAR - 11/14/2013- 72....Retake February 28th - 80!!! DONE!!!!

    AICPA Ethics - 98!


    Amor D…I am really sorry about your recent score results. I was looking for you on Monday to see how you did. At first I saw that 75 you got on AUD and I got excited that you passed…but then I realized it wasn't FAR. If you ever need any advice or just some motivation please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. You can click on my username and if you have LinkedIn, you can try and reach me through there.

    REG - 2/27/2013 - 78!!!!
    AUD - 5/17/2013 - 72...Retake July 12th - 79!!!!
    BEC - 8/29/2013 - 77!!!!
    FAR - 11/14/2013- 72....Retake February 28th - 80!!! DONE!!!!

    AICPA Ethics - 98!


    I completely understand the lack of self discipline. That's why I failed multiple exams until I finally got angry with this exam and fought back. Once you find the study technique that works for you, it goes uphill from there! The Ninja materials were a huge help to me. Especially the audio which I made sure to listen to every time I was in the car. The notes were great too!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."


    I completely understand the lack of self discipline. That's why I failed multiple exams until I finally got angry with this exam and fought back. Once you find the study technique that works for you, it goes uphill from there! The Ninja materials were a huge help to me. Especially the audio which I made sure to listen to every time I was in the car. The notes were great too!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."


    I'm joining the Angry club! Haha! I failed Audit and am so mad at myself! I passed FAR on the first try and completely changed my study habits for Audit. Why? I have no idea. Glutton for punishment maybe? Anyway, I have REG coming up, so I'm trying not to think about Audit, but I am still mad at Audit. 😉 Good luck to everyone still on the Angry Train!

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    I'm joining the Angry club! Haha! I failed Audit and am so mad at myself! I passed FAR on the first try and completely changed my study habits for Audit. Why? I have no idea. Glutton for punishment maybe? Anyway, I have REG coming up, so I'm trying not to think about Audit, but I am still mad at Audit. 😉 Good luck to everyone still on the Angry Train!

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    Hey @Kkimi, I thought of what you shared about 400 MCQs you worked on in just a day. I need to follow your attack of retake so I can finally move onto REG.

    The 2014 Becker's software has apparently improved a lot compared to my old 2012. The FASB codification lecture sounds a lot easier to me now the way Tim Gearty explained it and Becker laid it out in the lecture this time. Bummer!

    With this information early on, I probably would have gotten my SIM for AL correct from my last fail. Oh well, next time I will get it.

    Yes @KReib, NINJA audio echoes loud and clear in my ears during the test.


    Hey @Kkimi, I thought of what you shared about 400 MCQs you worked on in just a day. I need to follow your attack of retake so I can finally move onto REG.

    The 2014 Becker's software has apparently improved a lot compared to my old 2012. The FASB codification lecture sounds a lot easier to me now the way Tim Gearty explained it and Becker laid it out in the lecture this time. Bummer!

    With this information early on, I probably would have gotten my SIM for AL correct from my last fail. Oh well, next time I will get it.

    Yes @KReib, NINJA audio echoes loud and clear in my ears during the test.


    Zumba, tons of good luck on REG next month! If I can, I would suggest that you take REG then immediately dive back into AUD instead of taking BEC. I'm pretty sure that's what really hurt me on my second go-round with AUD. I took it at the beginning of April and immediately started studying for REG. I was already 3 weeks into REG when I got my first failing score and decided to just keep going with REG. I failed REG and went back into AUD afterwards. I ended up forgetting a lot of what I had already learned with AUD but remembered most of the answers to the MCQs in the Wiley test bank. That really gave me a false sense of confidence so when I took AUD the second time, I was 98% sure I passed. When I saw that second 72, I was so angry. Angry at the exam but mostly angry at myself. I reevaluated my study strategy/habits and knew where I had gone wrong. Once I did that, PRESTO! I passed the next 3 exams and ended up scoring in the 80s (so I obviously overstudied ;)). So a little advice from my experience: take AUD right after REG if you can so you don't run the risk of forgetting too much. AUD is very tricky (as you probably know). You really have to understand the concepts to know when the exam is trying to trick you.

    Hope this helps you a little bit. I am definitely rooting for you and will keep an eye out next score release! Hoping for a 75+ for you! Go get 'em, tiger :)!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."


    Zumba, tons of good luck on REG next month! If I can, I would suggest that you take REG then immediately dive back into AUD instead of taking BEC. I'm pretty sure that's what really hurt me on my second go-round with AUD. I took it at the beginning of April and immediately started studying for REG. I was already 3 weeks into REG when I got my first failing score and decided to just keep going with REG. I failed REG and went back into AUD afterwards. I ended up forgetting a lot of what I had already learned with AUD but remembered most of the answers to the MCQs in the Wiley test bank. That really gave me a false sense of confidence so when I took AUD the second time, I was 98% sure I passed. When I saw that second 72, I was so angry. Angry at the exam but mostly angry at myself. I reevaluated my study strategy/habits and knew where I had gone wrong. Once I did that, PRESTO! I passed the next 3 exams and ended up scoring in the 80s (so I obviously overstudied ;)). So a little advice from my experience: take AUD right after REG if you can so you don't run the risk of forgetting too much. AUD is very tricky (as you probably know). You really have to understand the concepts to know when the exam is trying to trick you.

    Hope this helps you a little bit. I am definitely rooting for you and will keep an eye out next score release! Hoping for a 75+ for you! Go get 'em, tiger :)!

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."


    Thanks K_Reib! I know exactly what I did wrong with Audit the first time. When I studied for FAR, I did one topic at a time. I had 12 weeks to study (b/c it was my first exam), so I studied a topic a week and as I added a topic, I did a progress test. I did progress tests every single day. After about 7 weeks, I knew the first 5 topics like the back of my hand, so I dropped those and concentrated on the last 5 topics. (I used Becker for FAR). I work in Governmental, so I knew some of that stuff already, so I stuck with what was unfamiliar to me. I also did TONS of J/E's. I think the key to FAR is knowing how each transaction affects the F/S and what statement is affected. So, fast forward to Audit studying………..I didn't do any of that. I have no idea why. I used WTB b/c I didn't have Becker for anything other than FAR. So, maybe my study habits changed b/c the program changed???? I don't know. Anyway, I was very well prepared for Audit and felt very confident, but didn't know the ins and outs like I did FAR. Then, I got panicked in the SIMs and was mentally screwed the rest of the exam. I forgot to use the AL. Who forgets to use the AL???? Anyway, I have a definite different plan of attack for this next time. I'm still undecided on which to take after REG, but I will definitely keep your guidance in mind. Thanks for the encouragement! This has been a really long process already and I've only taken one exam. Not to get too long here, but:

    I planned to take the test back in July 2012. About a week later, my husband's colon exploded. Three emergency surgeries and a letter telling me I was deficient in Accounting hours later………….I had to go back to school…again. I took one accounting class and the Becker review for the remaining 6 hours. I took the Becker Review January 2013. Then, had to wait for my husband's final surgery, recovery, etc, etc to finally get my first exam scheduled. Did I mention I'm working full time and have a 9 year old and a 5 year old?? Haha! Anyway, even though I've only just begun, it has been a LONG road! So ready to have my life back. And, I'm sure 100% of the people on this forum feel the exact same way!

    Sorry that was WAY too long.

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    Thanks K_Reib! I know exactly what I did wrong with Audit the first time. When I studied for FAR, I did one topic at a time. I had 12 weeks to study (b/c it was my first exam), so I studied a topic a week and as I added a topic, I did a progress test. I did progress tests every single day. After about 7 weeks, I knew the first 5 topics like the back of my hand, so I dropped those and concentrated on the last 5 topics. (I used Becker for FAR). I work in Governmental, so I knew some of that stuff already, so I stuck with what was unfamiliar to me. I also did TONS of J/E's. I think the key to FAR is knowing how each transaction affects the F/S and what statement is affected. So, fast forward to Audit studying………..I didn't do any of that. I have no idea why. I used WTB b/c I didn't have Becker for anything other than FAR. So, maybe my study habits changed b/c the program changed???? I don't know. Anyway, I was very well prepared for Audit and felt very confident, but didn't know the ins and outs like I did FAR. Then, I got panicked in the SIMs and was mentally screwed the rest of the exam. I forgot to use the AL. Who forgets to use the AL???? Anyway, I have a definite different plan of attack for this next time. I'm still undecided on which to take after REG, but I will definitely keep your guidance in mind. Thanks for the encouragement! This has been a really long process already and I've only taken one exam. Not to get too long here, but:

    I planned to take the test back in July 2012. About a week later, my husband's colon exploded. Three emergency surgeries and a letter telling me I was deficient in Accounting hours later………….I had to go back to school…again. I took one accounting class and the Becker review for the remaining 6 hours. I took the Becker Review January 2013. Then, had to wait for my husband's final surgery, recovery, etc, etc to finally get my first exam scheduled. Did I mention I'm working full time and have a 9 year old and a 5 year old?? Haha! Anyway, even though I've only just begun, it has been a LONG road! So ready to have my life back. And, I'm sure 100% of the people on this forum feel the exact same way!

    Sorry that was WAY too long.

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    Oh, wow! You've been through a lot already and have a full plate. But I agree that you should do what you did with FAR for every other section. I basically did the same thing and it worked for my last 3 passing scores! I believe in you! Let me know if I can help you at all in your future studying 🙂

    FAR: 65, 77!
    AUD: 72, 72, 80!
    REG: 64, 84!
    BEC: 83!
    Ethics: 98!

    Delaware CPA as of May 23, 2014 at 10:43am EST.

    "She believed she could, so she did."

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