Test got harder then easier……

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  • #157373

    I sat for AUD yesterday. I was scheduled for 2/12 but the blizzard of Atlanta hit that day and shut the city down. I had to wait 3 weeks to get into the testing site. Thankfully, the window was extended!!!

    I know I did well on the first section as I knew the answers and the second section was much harder. However, the third section got easier. Does this mean that I have a low chance of passing??? I think I have seen others say on here before that if the test does not get increasingly more difficult it means that you aren’t doing very well.

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state

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  • #218217

    don't worry about it; you will be fine;

    How did you do on the SIMS?

    I would only worry if you totally bombed the SIMS

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!


    I actually had over 2 hours left when I got to the SIMS. The two written memos I did very well on. Most of the stuff in the SIMS I did well on actually, there were only a few that I was not 100% sure on. Given that the written comm is 10% of my score….I think I did ok. I am just really worried about the second section. The third was easier but there were a few that I was not sure on. I think my score could go either way. I don't feel terrible about it but I don't feel good about it either.

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    It is safe to say you bombed the second testlet; ok no big deal

    harder quesitons are not counted against you as much as if you would have gotten a easy question wrong

    same goes for points awarded….the easier the question the less points awarded but for harded questions you get more points awarded

    so it is like this easier questions more to lose less to gain

    hard questions less to lose more to gain

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!


    Really? I did not know that they gave different points based on the difficulty of the question……

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    Absolutely; just be happy you had one hard testlet and knocked out the first….and it sounds like you did well enough on the SIMS

    I guess you will end with a solid 75-80 range; just take it as win and start studying the next section

    if you do fail get back on it and pass!

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!


    Thanks Guccimane!!! I appreciate the feedback!

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    no problem; I like answering questions when I am done studying and waiting on my last exam

    I actually am in the same boat as you 1easy 1hard 1easy and pretty well on both SIMS with stonger on written but this is my last exam wooohooo!

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!


    Wonderful!!!! I hope you passed!

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    Same thing happened to me yesterday in FAR, the first section I think I did good, but the second section was impossible and the third section was alot easier and the sims were ok. I think that I did so bad on the second section that I don't think there is anyway I can pass. Sucks too b/c it is my last section and I don't ever want to look at an accounting book again.


    I am with you Chal, I took mine yesterday and had the same experience.


    Do you think you are going to pass? I never did that bad in a testlet, after my first run through all the questions, I had to skip 17 of them b/c I didn't know the answers.


    Did you leave 17 of them blank chal?

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    No, I answered them I just didn't know them on the first try, I guessed between two of the choices.


    I see…..I marked literally 13 for review on the second testlet. I changed a couple but I had the same issue that I guessed between two of the choices.

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    I know it sucks, I have 3 more trys to pass this last section before i lose any of the other sections, but if I see a failing grade its gonna be almost impossible to open that book again. i just want to burn it.

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