Taking Audit on the 15th!- Feedback?

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  • #1435118

    Hey y’all! I’m taking Audit on the 15th of January! I failed with a 60 in December, and immediately started studying for the exam again. I used Becker my first time around. I decided to give NINJA MCQ a try. I went through 2,255 MCQ attempts in 3 weeks, with an average score of 73%, and a trending score of 90%.

    I was fearful I started memorizing the MCQ’s so I reset my stats. Since resetting my stats, I’ve gone through 805 MCQ’s with an average score of 84% and a trending score of 82%. I know Jeff hates practice exams, but I took a practice exam on NINJA and scored in the low 80’s like two weeks ago.

    I also took a practice Becker exam a few days ago, and scored a 71%. What do you all think? Any one have a similar experience? I just bought the NINJA notes too, so I’ll be studying them all week! Thanks for your feedback!

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  • #1435131

    Ortega: I'm also using Becker and taken the exam on 1/18. May I ask if you think Becker did not cover the material well or you didn't study enough the first time around? Since you were inquiring about adding supplement material I thought I ask. Also how many hours did you put in first time around?


    @goingallin I studied for 5 weeks the first time around. It took 3 weeks to get through the 6 chapters. Two weeks for final review. I honestly think I was just concentrated on getting through the MCQ's and not necessarily trying to learn the material. I think I underestimated the exam. I decided to supplement my studying for the retake. I am still completing MCQ's on Becker, and averaging about 86% on there. As far as hours, I would say about 75 hours total with Becker first time around. But like I said, I think I was more focused on getting through the material then actually learning it.


    Thanks for the response.


    Thoughts, anyone?


    I'm doing the exact same thing right now. I re-take on the 27th. I also used Becker and had the same issue when studying, I was just trying to get through the MCQ's and underestimated the difficulty of the exam.

    I hope this works, I'm doing the Becker and Ninja MCQ's every day and also reading the Ninja notes. I didn't really memorize the Becker MCQ's so I don't remember any of them during my review.

    I'm trending in the mid-70's right now in Ninja. I don't plan to do a practice exam but will instead re-write all my notes and review some of the issues I had with my TBS (mainly adjusting entries). I'm feeling more confident about my study plan but I have no idea how I'll feel on exam day.


    Has anyone here tried Becker Final Review especially AUD? I think it's really good and you can finish it in a day.


    @Vee I think we'll be good!! You got this!! I plan on on focusing more on my notes and reading material two days prior to reinforce anything that isn't clear. Also, focus on the ratios and understanding their impact.


    @Amor D how long is the review? I wouldn't mind giving it a shot in a day!

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