Studying for AUD sims?

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  • #198987

    Hi everyone,

    I’m beginning my audit studies. I guess my question is for people who have taken both FAR and AUD already. I am wondering how helpful you found the Becker sims to be?

    I passed FAR, but if I failed, I would’ve changed my studies by NOT wasting time on working out all of the Becker sims because I feel like they did nothing but frustrate me. I could’ve gotten better use of my time by just nailing down the topics more/reading/doing MCQs rather then trying to decipher what those questions were asking…just to see nothing like them on my actual exam.

    Is this the same case for audit? I will obviously do a few just to see how some questions CAN be asked, but is it worth spending a significant amount of time on? Any feedback will be helpful!

    I plan on studying for exactly a month and then testing mid January. Thanks!

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!

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  • Author
  • #751780
    CPA Slayer

    I would do them just for extra knowledge. They have the same concepts, but sometimes with a different view you have yet to see, making it challenging.

    Another reason is that they are not as time consuming as the FAR sims. Feel free to ask anything else and good luck.

    FAR - 84
    REG - 86
    AUD - 90
    BEC - 88

    KO the test in 5 months even though I am a dummy!

    Through God all things can happen!

    "But, in our defense, accountants aren't really boring people.
    We just get excited over boring things."


    Oh good! Happy they're not as time consuming as far. thank yoU!

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!


    I found the Becker audit sims the only Becker sims that were actually similar to the real exam sims (if not harder…)

    If you've already taken FAR then you'll probably be set for half the AUD sims.

    I've always practiced SIMS after I completed all my MCQ's just so I could approach the concepts in different way (as CPA Slayer already stated)


    Becker Aud sims are worth your time. I thought they were pretty close to the real exam.

    FAR May 2012 81 (lost credit, didn't sit for other sections.)
    FAR 86 Aug 2015
    AUD 85 Nov 2015
    BEC 84 Dec 2015
    REG 78 Mar 2016

    Passed ALL sections in first attempt!!


    I agree with OP. If you feel like doing sims is a waste of time, definitely spend less time on it. I felt the same way after taking REG, and I didn't do a single sim practice for FAR or AUD. I spent over 90% of my time reading and memorizing the actual topics/rules, and it worked out for me.
    Everyone studies differently. You should trust yourself on this!

    REG-89 (05/24/15)
    FAR-92 (08/29/15)
    AUD-99 (11/2015)
    BEC-91 (02/2016)


    I spent very little time on all the Sims. If you know how to apply the rules for a multiple choice you can apply them to the Sims. Also with the current exam format I felt like the Sims were multiple choice just with more possible answers.

    I would read through the sims a day or two before the exam and try them once then make sure I understood the right answer and that was it.

    Go Bonas!!
    Aud 6/15 - 88
    BEC 7/15 - 83
    FAR 3/15 - 82
    REG 11/14 - 88

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