So if you get less than a 70… - Page 2

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  • #190739

    So from what i gather…the general consensus seems to be that if you get less than a 70, you need to review the material in it entirety either with the same review provider or someone different. Basically because there is a lack of understanding of the material. When I first failed my first exam section, I got a 72. I wont lie, i almost teared because there was a lot of dust almost in my eyes and also due to the fact that i had to study again. So study again i did and failed again with 72 and then again and passed. with audit, I kinda prepared and scored a 40 something, then i actually studied and got a 63. the thing is, when i got a 72, I still had hope. when getting a 40 something and low 60s it like “man, this is maybe not for me”. i feel pretty pathetic right now but more importantly feeling like maybe this isnt for me. this is like serious post from a part-time immature guy. uh

    BEC: 72,72, 77
    AUD: 47, 63

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  • Author
  • #634226

    I think CPAMommyof3 said it just right. Reviewing your “strong” areas (in addition to your weak ones) can only make them stronger and prevent you from becoming weak in them. I played the “just a few more points” game with REG… Three times too many.

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