So I took the AUD exam today…first time/first exam ever!

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    Let me start off by saying I studied using only Becker and I felt everything on the exam was fair game and decent. In my opinion, testlet 1 performance was good 2-4 questions I had no idea. Testlet 2 was much more difficult probably 7-8 I had no idea. Now testlet 3 was SUPER easy like easier than testlet 1…. basic audit stuff probably took me 20 minutes to get through even took a break! lol But now I’m all worried because testlet 3 was super simple that I probably didn’t do so well on the first two 🙁 according to the AICPA website for grading the 3rd testlet is based on performance from the first two… any advice? anyone have a similar experience? Have to wait till 8/4 to find out (on my birthday!)

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  • #579494

    Testlet 2 depends on testlet 1, and testlet 3 depends on testlet 2, so you did well enough on 1 to get a more difficult testlet for 2, but then not quite well enough on that one to get another difficult testlet for 3. That's okay– try not to think too much about it! What is hard or easy is pretty subjective, and you can still pass if you got enough points on the easier questions. Harder questions are just opportunities for some extra points.

    Ninja date is 8/1 if you're in a NASBA state.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    I won't be taking AUD until Thursday, but I can share my testlet experiences from BEC and REG with you. For BEC my testlets were medium-medium-medium and I passed with a 75. I could tell the questions were staying at about the same level of difficulty and was very worried but still managed a pass.

    For REG, my testlets were medium-hard-easy, much like yours just were for AUD. My last REG testlet was very easy and I knew it was due to what I got wrong in the second testlet because it was pretty darn challenging. Keep in mind that the SIMS are worth 40% of your score, so that's an important factor to consider, but I know that at least 2/6 of my REG SIMS were mostly wrong, and with my medium-hard-easy testlets and those SIMS I still scored an 81. It seems like a lot of people end up with that last testlet being easy if not very easy, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Honestly, I think having that second testlet be difficult is usually (thought obviously not always) a decent indicator that you've done well enough on the MCQs to pass provided that your SIM performance is also fairly decent.

    This may not actually be the case, but it's just my two cents from my own scores and from what I've read on here. Hopefully it's the case for your AUD exam!


    I took REG last Wednesday, and my testlets went MED-HARD-MED/HARD.

    Simulations on the other hand….oy…


    I have my Auditing exam on Saturday! How did you find the simulations? And how did you score on the practice exam for Becker?

    Any other advice??


    I thought the sims were fair they weren't crazy hard. Nothing that should come of surprise if you have done the becker sims. One I was able to use the AL for 90%. One I know for sure I missed quite a bit on the others I feel pretty good about. Final exam 1 I did good on the MC and sucked at the sims. And for final 2 it was the opposite. On the exam I left 2 hours for the sims and finished with 10 minutes remaining. And I took a break between testlet 2-3. It cost me 3 minutes but it was worth it. And then I just flew thru testlet 3 because it was so simple. 2 hours for the sims was more than enough to finish them. I was also surprised that I didn't see certain topics tested. I understand that they can only test so much but I surely thought they would at least cover every topic. Which wasn't in my case. Goodluck on your exam


    Yea same with me. I did decent on the the mcs for the first practice exam but did horrible on the sims. So you used the AL to help you for the sims???

    I take breaks between my testlests just to give the mind a little rest. Thanks for the help! Well see how I do on the second practice exam within the next few days.


    I used the AL for the 2 research questions and another sim. The others I couldn't find/use AL for them. I wasted a lot of time searching and then just gave up and tried my best. It was getting close to the end of the time and I was getting burnt out from staring at the screen.

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