RogerCPA- weighted sections vs class lectures - Page 2

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  • #190279

    Hi guys,

    I am retaking the AUD section after failing with low score so this time I would really like to organize my game plan this time.

    So, I would like to ask students that took RogersCPA review course to verify the weighted sections vs the lectures from the course.

    Also, where would “Section 9: Information Technology” correspond with which weighted sections?

    ->Understanding the Engagement (12-16%)

    Section 1: Audit Standards & Eng planning

    ->Understanding the Entity (16-20%)

    Section 3: Internal control

    ->Procedures and Evidence(16-20%)

    Section 4: Audit evidence

    Section 5: Audit Sampling

    ->Evaluation and Reporting(16-20%)

    Section 6: Audit Reports

    ->Accounting and Review Services(12-16%)

    Section 7: Compilation and Reviews

    Section8: Other Services and Reports

    ->Professional Responsibilities(16-20%

    Section 2: Prof resp and ethics

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