Well. There is always hope to pass. Let say if you know half of the question on the exam and half of the question on the stimulation, you will pass.
Personally, I always find the MC question less difficult and the stimulation more difficult. If you had previous experience reading real law and accounting documents, and you are sort of okay in eliminating choices, you will find yourself guessing 25% of stuff right. (So that means you only need to know 25% of the stuff). By the way, when I mean law and accounting documents, I am not mean passing REG, I mean the real ones.
For MCQ, I would suggest you go over the board topics. Don't mind the real picky ones, since you are in a real hurry. Read carefully on the wording of the question, 75% of the chance it already suggest the answer. Really read it 3 times before you pick an answer. Now, when you read the answer, usually the first 5 words can give you a general feeling if it is the correct answer. If you read the answer and you are like…”Er…what does it mean”… it means it's not the right answer…
Also, be careful on answers that contain “ALL, No, Must”.. how often does the law state that 100% of the thing is right? Almost never. Try to pick the most general answer you see…
As far as stimulation.. I think they are a total different thing compare to MCQ. I can score a 85% on MCQ and score a 5% on stimulation. I don't think there is any quick way to get stimulation. But since you are in a hurry, I would suggest don't spend too much time thinking what's the right answer, just go straight to the answer and try to figure out why the answer is such and such. It's the fastest way to learn. Memorize it and pray on exam day you got the ones you know…
By the way, I would just focus on doing questions. I would do as many different question as I can. I don't mean repeating the same testbank over and over again. I mean doing question on different testbank, or even random question you see on the web. (from any random website).
Of cause, if you are suck on a topic. Don't flip the book. Ask someone, search for answer online… Flipping the book is time consuming…
Why don't you reschedule the test?
New York - NYC
Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.