Reporting on Internal Control for Integrated Audits vs. Governmental Audits

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #180593

    I just need a little clarification on the differences between reporting on internal control for regular integrated audits and governmental audits. My understanding from the Becker materials is that in the report on internal control for an integrated audit (not the written communication to management and governance, but the actual report that goes out to intended users), you would only report on material weaknesses, not significant deficiencies. But in a governmental audit report, you would also indicate that significant deficiencies (as well as any material weaknesses) were found. Is that correct?

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  • #648099

    I should also clarify that my understanding is that with governmental audits, you are not required to test internal controls (although I know of three exceptions to this), so if you did report on any significant deficiencies/material weaknesses, they would be ones that you just happened to come across, not that you were actively searching for. This is compared to an integrated audit where you are actually testing IC for purposes of issuing an opinion on their effectiveness. Is that also correct?





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