Reasonably assured I just failed AUD

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    I am really angry. I was confident going in, getting about 85% on practice MCs and comfortable with simulations. The MCs on the exam were vague and I was unsure of a lot of them. I couldn’t tell if my second and third testlets were more difficult than the first. The material required on most of the simulation tabs was surprising to me. I was confused by what they were asking for. I feel that they didn’t provide enough background info to complete the task. The writing and research were as expected.

    This was my second exam… the first was BEC and I came out feeling great and subsequently passed. I spent a ton of time preparing for this and I’m irritated because I feel that my study material wasn’t sufficient.

    The testing area was also extremely noisy with people coming in and out nonstop. I finally asked for earplugs which helped. I will never again take an exam in the afternoon. There were way too many hours from the time I woke up to the time I took the exam to drink coffee and get nervous.

    Thanks for the vent.


    BEC 84, AUD 90, REG 74,83 FAR 81

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    I felt the EXACT same way when I left REG, except maybe 75% confident with my studies. I thought Becker was a joke; however, I passed. Simulations are notorius for being vague and confusing.

    I prefer the mornings to test so I am not a basket case until exam time. Extra time + coffee = bathroom break, which I can't afford.

    I can't believe your testing center doesn't provide headphones or earplugs. I wear massive earphones when I test.

    Hopefully you did well and have this one behind you. Vent anytime.


    Thanks, wannabe, for your response. Good luck on Friday, and I hope you enjoy the long weekend following!!


    BEC 84, AUD 90, REG 74,83 FAR 81


    Yea I just took aud yesterday and some parts of the simulation were extremely vague, lets hope we passed.


    I am with you dobat.  I took AUD today for the second time.  I felt good about the exam last time but got a 74.  Today, I don't feel very good about it.  The first testlet was a breeze, the second got harder and the third I could not even tell if it got harder or not.  The SIMS were so vague and there were things in there that I didn't even know what they were asking.  This is my last section and I will be so embarressed if I don't pass it.  I can't take it 3 times!

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    I feel the same exact way laschndrMy first test (Auditing) was on 5/19.  I thought my first testlet was a little difficult, but manageable.  I was expecting the difficulty to increase, but it didn't until the last 5 or 6 questions of the second testlet.  I had an average of 89% on the 1750+ Gleim test prep software.  The third testlet was easy at first but more difficult toward the end.  Then came the sims.  I never seen anything like them in my study material.  If it wasn't for the sims, I would be confident that I passed.  The written communications were as expected. 

    I have no idea if I passed and won't know for another 3 weeks.  The only thing I could do is start on
    FAR.  I don't have time to wait bc of the 2011 exam change.  I wish you the best.   

    Are all the sims graded?

    Audit Passed
    FAR Passed
    REG Passed
    BEC ??


    It sounds like you and I had the same SIMS vern!

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    Hello everyone struggling with Audit. Two weeks ago I was posting here crying and whining, because I was 100% sure that I failed my 3rd attempt at Audit. Well, I found out that I not only PASSED, but I scored 94! Yayyyy!!!I am DONE with all 4 parts!!! Also I sat on the exam May 12, and I still got my score at first wave!!! Therefore, you can't estimate whether you passed or not!

    Here is the history:
    I studied half of the material from Bisk, and scored 48 at my first attempt.I was shocked!
    I studied really hard and did half of the MCQ in Bisk, and I scored 70. I was REALLY SHOCKED!
    I studied all MCQ from Bisk, and memorized as much as possible on reports. On the actual exam, I felt that 1st Testlet was easy,2nd was hard,and 3rd was hard (trickier answer choices, not straigthforward answers).I was uncertain for approximately 15 MCQ out of 90. I found at least 4 wrong at home!
    I wrote a nice essay,as I used the research tool to browse the Audit standards.
    I guessed 70% of both simulations, and I was hoping to pick about 2-3 points from them at best. Well my score report says Comparable performance on the sims, so I guess everyone struggled with those!
    Advise: memorize all MCQ in your preparation book! Write the essay first, then go to sims and just fill up as much as possible. Essay and MCQ can translate to a passing grade. Don't give up!!!You will be CPA soon!


    Juls- Wow!  Congratulations on your 94!  I'm taking AUD on Friday so it was nice to hear a success story! 

    Good luck to all those studying and to those waiting…..


    Thank you Juls!  Congrats on becoming a CPA!!!!

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    So glad to hear I'm not alone, especially with the simulations.  I felt blindsided by them since they weren't like the practice sims I bought from Gleim.  I think part of the problem is letting frustration get the best of me DURING the test… it clouds my concentration – and that's not good for a 4.5 hour exam.  I'm not necessarily getting my hopes up, but I'm glad to hear that people come out of a test feeling like they failed but ended up passing.  You never know, I guess!


    BEC 84, AUD 90, REG 74,83 FAR 81


    Lisa – thank you for sharing your thoughts too.  This is the second time I have taken it and I certainly do not want to take it a third!

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    I just took my exam 2 days ago and I felt like AUD was the hardest out of the other three. I have passed the other three exams on my first try and this would be the only one standing in my way of a CPA. I felt pretty confident on exam day, scoring about 80% on both Becker Final Exams. However, on my exam, I could not tell the difficulty between the three testlets!! On each testlet, I marked about 12 questions that I was not 100% of. Going into the simulations, I had about 2.5 hours left, which gave me a lot of time to research my communications. I had copied some sentences and phrases directly from the research tab and I was wondering if any of you did that and still passed. I am concerned that the AICPA may consider this cheating and dock me for it. Also, did anyone feel that all three testlets were pretty similar in difficulty and still passed?? Any comments are appreciated!!

    GSU Josh

    Don't know if I passed yet, but certain I did considering how I felt. My testlets did not seem to get harder (maybe 5 or so hard questions thrown in), but that's all. The thing is, I don't think I did well on the MC, I know I did well on them. There were many short questions in the second and third testlets, which is a little worrisome, but I know they had to be hard testlets. This was a retake for me after a brutal 74 the first time through. I restudied everything and worked over 2,000 MC questions (all Becker and Wiley). I think if you're well prepared, the second and third testlets will likely feel easy as well. I may have marked 5 or 6 questions per testlet. I've taken enough exams to know what it feels like to pass so I'm certain I got this one. I doubt it matters on your wc about the copying. I believe it's scored electronically, and a human only reads it if your score is right around the 75 mark.

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    Not that it answers the specific concern, but if it was electronically graded (which I have heard before as well) then it would be even easier to see if he copied since the computer obviously has to compare it to key phrases that are correct :P.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

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