Reasonable to complete AUD in 3 weeks while working FT

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  • #199014

    Hi folks,

    I am debating on whether or not to cram in AUD before busy season. This will give me ~3 weeks of study time. I am currently working at a Big 4 firm and work on average 50 hours/week. I am able to study after my commute for about 1-2 hours a night, and then I have all day on the weekends.

    What are your opinions, A71 community? If I do it, is there anything I really should hone in on? If I don’t take it, I would probably need to postpone it until the end of February at the earliest, and that will be with me trying to study during busy season.

    FAR - 76! 10/15; (65) 7/15
    BEC - 82! 11/15; (74) 8/15
    AUD - 01/16
    REG - TBA

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  • Author
  • #751865

    Possible, yes. Reasonable, I don't think so especially if you anticpate a bunch of holiday activities coming up whichever you observe.

    I think someone who buckles down and gets in 30+ hours per week of studying could do it, even working full time. But I think thats more the exception than the rule.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    You can do it but you have to work hard. Do 1,500-2,500 MCQ's in Ninja. I passed all mine while working FT in public accounting & married with two toddlers.

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