really need advice..

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  • #158467

    so i just took my reg exam tonight (again!) and wasnt as prepared as i should have been – i would say its 100% due to being completely burnt out. Anyway, so i ran home to check to see what my aud grade was and i failed, 68, not even close! now, i didnt study as much as i should have due to a last minute project that came up at work that took a chunk out of my study schedule. So now… here’s my sitch: i passed business but will lose it in june. hopefully i passed reg, but we shall see in a month. so i still have far and aud that i need to pass. i heard that far will have new international stds added as of january. so i’m kind of thinking i attack that now, i will give myself 3 months to study and take it end of november. I do feel like i am better with formulas, accounting, etc. whereas aud is more memorization. when i learn a formula, i know it. There is a huge block of time coming up called tax season where its starts up at my firm from january until april. so i cant study then and unless i HAD to im not sure i want to wait until april to study for something to hopefully take it and pass at the end of may, therefore not losing my bec credit.

    i just feel like i am running out of time (and money) and i’m trying really hard to keep a positive attitude but part of me wonders if this is worth it. maybe its not for me.

    what would you do?

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  • #238856

    I hope REG went well for you – I missed it the first time by a point.

    Study for FAR and take it in November, b/c it's a bit of a beast in terms of volume. Not to freak you out, but it's every single quantitative accounting class you ever took.

    AUD is smaller in volume, and likely more manageable during December and busy season. Parts of it are conceptual, and you'll see that the multiple choice options you're given are fairly easy to knock down to 2 if you read the answer choices closely.

    Just do it – I was a touch lazy about studying for AUD until busy season was over, but someone pushed me to go ahead and get it over with if it wasn't that bad, and just in case I needed one more window to take it again. I was in your shoes too – I had 2 windows and AUD left to take before losing my BEC credit. I'm very glad I got it over with – I was able to say that I passed all 4 parts, and left my horrible job.

    I really can't pass again!


    I say do FAR ASAP.


    thanks so much for the advice. i was thinking far too but since i have failed both aud and reg, i'm thinking how the heck am i ever going to pass far. but out of all of them, i think i would like to get far outta the way this year.



    As you go through the chapters keep doing Progress tests over the prviously completed chaptes. It will keep the information fresh. Less time at the end re-learning information you covered weeks before. Wish I had done this – I take FAR next week.

    Jeff has some good notes that you can check out – about 30 pages of highlights. If you get those read them every couple of days. It will help the information stick. Good luck! You are close.

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