no_life. What is your AUD course review???

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  • #158727
    I hate AUD

    Hi no_life

    Please, what did you use for AUD to improve your score?


    FAR 57,76 BEC 70,79 AUD 70,72,67,71,68,70,79 REG 67,68,74, 84

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  • #255684
    75 CPA

    I took AUD 3 times before I passed. This is what I did to pass:

    If you need a teacher, buy Lambers AUD review program. Garland is a great AUD teacher. $300 for 27 hours of instruction is a bargain. I failed AUD the first time with Becker. Garland with Lambers had a new approach that I needed.

    You have taken AUD six times. AUD has five sections. Write down your scores for each of the five sections. Now go buy Gleim Test Prep for about $60. Gleim will tell you which of its 20 chapters relate to to each of those AUD sections. All you have to do is work on your weak areas based on the results of your exam.

    Good Luck!


    I hate AUD. oouch on AUD!

    I probably hated AUD more than you, took me also 3 times to pass.

    By now you probably know a lot!

    75CPA is right, you have to get the Gleim Test Prep (1,780 MCQs) and do every MCQs there at least 3x, better 4x.

    Don't waste your time reading the book or listening to lectures. I'm sure you done plenty of that. For my 3rd time of taking the exam, I only did MCQs and I was scoring in the high 90s on the practice MCQs towards the end of m study.

    I used Yaeger/Wiely for AUD, but I did every MCQ i(AUD 828 MCQS) n the Wiely practice CD and every MCQs in the Wiely book at least 2x.

    Using Gleim and Wiely, I guarantee you will pass!

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!

    I hate AUD

    Thanks guys for help.

    FAR 57,76 BEC 70,79 AUD 70,72,67,71,68,70,79 REG 67,68,74, 84

    75 CPA

    I hate AUD

    I hate AUD too. That is why I had to take it three times.

    AUD is a tricky word game. I think that the secret of passing AUD is doing a minimum of 3,000 multiple choice questions with a minimum score of 80%.

    I know that you must feel discouraged. The AICPA is playing with your feelings. They want you to feel discouraged and to quit.

    You took the AUD exam six times and you spent almost $1,800 for a modest improvement of only six points. I, and many other CPA candidates, brought up our score up 10 points on the second AUD exam. You can raise your AUD score to a 78 – 82 on your next AUD exam. However, you are going to have to change your attitude.

    ATTITUDE CHANGE: Learn to love AUD. AUD is your ticket to being a CPA. Your scores indicate that you are not progressing. Start all over as if you are taking AUD for the first time. Treat your AUD scores as valuable progress reports. Half of the battle of passing AUD is in your head. Where there is a will, there is a way to pass AUD.

    Steps to Passing AUD:

    #1 Buy Lambers for AUD. Garland will give you a fresh and different view of AUD. Additionally, Garland will review many, many multiple choice questions in depth. Use your Becker book as a reference book.

    #2 Buy Gleim Online, which includes Gleim Test Prep. I used Gleim Online, which includes Gleim Test Prep, for my second attempt at AUD. I made a 74 on Gleim's online final exam for just the multiple choice questions. Gleim's final exam was very accurate. I made a 74 on my second AUD exam. Use your AUD scores as a very valuable analytical tool for Gleim. When you are finished with Gleim, take Gleim's final exam. Your score will indicate if you will pass the AUD exam.

    #3 Buy Yaeger Cram for your final review. Do more multiple choice questions in the Wiley book than Gary reviews. Pay close attention to the simulations in the Wiley book. One of the simulations that Gary reviewed was on my AUD exam.

    #4 Submit your plan to God, and your plan will succeed!


    While repetition is key, I don't think 3,000 questions is necessarily the magic number. I think quality study time is much more important than quantity. They can only word a question so many ways. Doing 3,000 of them is surely to have many repeats. I think rather than rushing through 3,000, doing 1,000 and attempting to understand the answer to each and every one of them is a better option. I only used Becker for AUD and I think they had less than 1,000 questions. I did each of them 5-6 times. The number of questions, after a while, has a diminishing return. After a certain point it's all the same and it's better to understand the questions you do rather than trying to pile on more. Do 1,000 questions slowly and learn from them rather than trying to get through 3,000.

    Just my opinion based on my studying. I know different methods work for different people. Good luck to all.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    @whitesoxfancpa – which concepts or reports did you memorize for AUD? im taking it on Nov and want to know the important stuff before I start studying

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    It's been five months since I've taken that exam so I really don't remember a heck of a lot. But let me give you what I can:

    I didn't really memorize anything. I just practiced and practiced and practiced those stupid questions over and over and over, and eventually you'll just know it.

    I'd say know the placement of paragraphs and the wording in the reports for the four basic opinions (unqualified, qualified, adverse, disclaimer). I didn't memorize any of them, but I was able to pick out correct and incorrect parts of the reports. You'll be able to do this through the MC questions. Eventually after seeing the questions enough, you'll just know it.

    Also know internal control well. Tests of controls and substantive tests and the difference between them. The order in which to do them is also important. Know when tests of controls and substantive tests are appropriate. If you're using Becker, I think it's AUD 3.

    My best advice for AUD is repetition of the questions. Read them carefully and understand why your answer is right or wrong. Be able to get it right the next time. Don't be afraid to spend five minutes on one question. Don't be afraid to stop, find the section in the book, and re-read it. That's what I mean when I say quality, not quantity of questions. You don't need 3,000 questions. You need far less questions, but good ones. If you're using Becker, you'll get that. Do 50 questions and understand them all rather than doing 100 and rushing through.

    Good luck to you.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    thank you so much for the info whitesox, I will definitely follow your advice : )

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I am using the Wiley and Gleim book. At first, I was disappointed with Gleim book, but later I realized it covers so much and it's worth reading. It has so much information and ….it's better to know it than just ignoring :)) Also, I changed my exam date for AUD, and I allowed myself 2 more months of studying instead of just guessing or just “assuming” concepts. In my opinion, I believe that I need to really know the concepts…And in a month I went over 2,000 questions (GLEIM CD), which are maybe 1/4 of the concepts. But that's me…I keep choosing the wrong answer from time to time. Overall I am around 65-70% grade of the chapters I already read. That means I still have to read. In the end the CPA exam it's challenging …not everyone is a CPA.


    For what it's worth, I used Becker and the thing that helped me most was flashcards. Since there are no answer choices with a flashcard you really just have to KNOW the material. I memorized all the Becker flashcards before I ever did ANY multiple choice questions so when I finally went to the multiple choice questions I was able to breeze through most of them. And then the multiple choice questions i got wrong I REALLY studied since I knew that I REALLY didn't know those… if that makes sense.

    If you just do multiple choice questions a billion times I feel like you're never getting that thorough overall understanding of the material, just a bunch specific points?

    I don't know if that makes sense, just what I did 🙂

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    …And I forgot to mention a very important thing: Of course, I hated the AUD book. But I took a different approach: I told myself I have to love this book, and I have to make a passion out of this. And believe me, I study, and I enjoy reading it over and over :). I guess when I want to just do something else, I keep seing all my previous bosses, potential bosses that were CPAs…You know what…that makes me keep on going! And of course I think about all of you- how you study hard….And sometimes if I spend times with my kids I feel quilty that I don't study. When I study I feel guilty I don't spend time with them, and I try to make both. But, please make it a passion and try to start fresh and really get familiar with everything, the more you review, know, the less questions you will screw up. Good Luck!


    Sorry to hear about your AUD results – I passed with Becker and Gleim (software only). My take on this thing is that you don't have to love it…but you know what, you have to do it regardless. Sure, if you think the self-talk helps go for it, but I hated getting up in the morning thinking about studying, but hell, it wasn't like I was the only going going through it. It's something that's gotta be done.

    My schedule was…

    1. Go to live classes

    2. Watch the lectures, do MCQs

    3. Take hand written notes on every chapter (this took forever)

    4. Re-do MCQ's and do simulations. Make sure to MARK and note which questions you got wrong/were difficult.

    5. Drill every single Gleim MCQ, going over the ones you got wrong one more time. Also mark these questions.

    6. Go through every single MCQ you marked writing down what concept you need to re-address.

    7. Review that, take the final tests…and then exam day will be here.

    I'm not working yet, so I had a lot more time than most people. I must've done (if you count re-dos) close to 5000 MCQs for that damn test. Just my two cents, i hope you crush it next time. Good luck and godspeed.

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    I passed AUD using Yaeger's program and Gleim's test prep CD. I think it is very important to do a large number of multiple choice but like others have said, you need to focus on why you get a question wrong. I found it to be very helpful to read the answer solutions and to take the time to understand why an answer was right or wrong. One thing that helped me was to circle any questions that I guessed on as I was working through a module. I would usually work through about 10 multiple choice questions at at time, circling any that I guessed. Then I would review the answers for each block of questions and circle those that I got wrong. My final couple days before the exam, I went back over any circled multiple choice again to make sure I knew the answer and the explanation for the answer. I also would do around 50-80 multiple choice from Gleim's test bank CD each day, and again focused on the solution explantation to make sure I understood the answer.

    This is how I passed AUD. Also, I never practiced any of the simulations in the book.. I don't think practicing the SIMS is as important as mastering the multiple choice.

    Good luck to everyone!

    FAR - 7/7/10 - 94
    BEC - 7/24/10 - 77
    AUD - 8/17/10 - 97
    REG - 8/31/10 - 80



    I am using Gleim complete system for Auditing.I also bought Wiley's Focus Notes. They are excellent supplemental notes that are great for on the go. Definitely money well worth spent!!! Best wishes to you all. I am taking the exam on 10-11-2010.

    follow me on the cpa road


    Kaplan, convinent and cheap. Huge MCQ banks. Passed all on try #1.

    FAR-1/04- 86 KAPLAN Review
    REG-5/12- 89 MN Licensed CPA
    BEC-7/17- 81 ETHICS - 100
    AUD-8/31- 85

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